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Releases: SINTEF/ci-cd


22 Aug 10:12
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v2.8.2 (2024-08-22)

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Support self-hosted runners

The runs-on key can not be specified via the runner input, which is available for all callable workflows.
This means one can use the callable workflows with self-hosted runners, for example.

It is worth noting that the workflows are built with Linux/Unix systems in mind, hence specifying windows-latest may lead to issues with certain workflows. This is also true if the self-hosted runner is not Linux/Unix-based.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Support self-hosted runners #279

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


21 Aug 19:46
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v2.8.1 (2024-08-22)

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Support custom PyPI indices

All callable workflows now have support for setting the PIP_INDEX_URL and PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL environment variable whenever pip install is being invoked.
Note, the PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL allows for multiple URLs to be provided, given they are space-delimited.

For more information on the specific workflow, see the documentation.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Support custom pip index URL(s) #276

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


29 Jul 11:20
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v2.8.0 (2024-07-29)

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Support Trusted Publishers from PyPI

Trusted Publishers from PyPI is now supported via uploading the distribution(s) as artifacts (for more information about GitHub Actions artifacts, see the GitHub Docs).

Breaking change: This is not a "true" breaking change - but it may cause certain workflows to fail that uses the callable workflow CD - Release: The parameter publish_on_pypi has become required, meaning one must provide it in the with section of the calling workflow. For more information, see the documentation page for the CD - Release workflow.

DX updates

Several fixes from the development tools have been implemented into the code base.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Support new PyPI Trusted Publisher #180

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


29 Feb 13:50
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Update the setver task

Fully support PEP 440 Python versions when running the setver task.
Add a test suite for the setver task.


v2.7.4 (2024-02-29)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Use Python versioning regex in setver #243

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


14 Feb 12:20
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Fix committing newly created files

This patch update fixes the issue of creating a first release without a committed file.


v2.7.3 (2024-02-14)

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Fixed bugs:

  • Use git add -- . instead of git commit -a #236

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


13 Jan 22:39
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Support first time releases

Patch update to fix a bug, where a first time release was not performed due to an expectation in the callable workflow for a a previous version to be present.

This update also introduces a DX lift due to the shift to ruff over pylint and isort.


v2.7.2 (2024-01-13)

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Fixed bugs:

  • Support first release #232

Closed issues:

  • Use ruff instead of pylint (and isort) in code base #191

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


07 Dec 17:54
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Patch release to remove unwanted code

Remove unwanted print-statements.


v2.7.1 (2023-12-07)

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* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


07 Dec 17:34
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Explicit Python support and more packaging usage

Check and verify the Python version in callable workflows that use the ci-cd package, allowing Python 3.7-13.
Implement usage of packaging.version.Version to support Pythonic versioning schemes, such as epoch.

Furthermore, this minor release introduces new input parameters for doing away with the setup of having a dedicated "permanent" dependencies branch (it is still an option to have this, of course) and allowing un-normalized Python package names in the dependencies. The latter for example adds support for cookiecutter Jinja-like variables to be present in place of a "real" Python package name in pyproject.toml


v2.7.0 (2023-12-07)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Toggle allowing invalid package name chars #208
  • Support all newer Python versions #207
  • Support not using a permanent dependencies branch #183

Fixed bugs:

  • Support epoch and post version segments #221
  • Utilize packaging.version.Version #220 (@CasperWA)

Closed issues:

  • Update to non-deprecated inputs in Actions #216

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


17 Nov 16:11
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Properly handle version specifiers

This version greatly improves on the version specifier handling when updating the pyproject.toml file using either the callable workflow CI - Check pyproject.toml dependencies or the pre-commit hook Update dependencies in pyproject.toml.

It now utilizes the same logic as is implemented in the pip package, namely the packaging Python library to handle the dependencies and requirements listed in the pyproject.toml file.

To an extent, there is also support for version markers, specifically, specifying a dependency's validity according to a Python language version, e.g., my_package~=1.3; python_version < '3.8'. However, this support is limited in its scope, and does not support the full reasoning logic otherwise provided by the marker handling in packaging, meaning for example if you specify different Python language version requirements based on the OS, this may not be respected as intended by the user.


v2.6.0 (2023-11-17)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Modularize further #148

Fixed bugs:

  • Ensure version dependency ranges are respected when updating #141

Merged pull requests:

  • [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #214 (@TEAM4-0)
  • [Auto-generated] Check & update dependencies (pyproject.toml) #213 (@TEAM4-0)
  • [Auto-generated] Check & update dependencies (pyproject.toml) #206 (@TEAM4-0)
  • [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #204 (@TEAM4-0)
  • Handle version specifiers #190 (@CasperWA)

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator


25 Oct 14:51
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Several fixes

Several fixes for the CI - Check dependencies callable workflow and its underlying task update_deps() have been implemented.
This fixes issues with spacing immediately prior to version specifiers, multiple parallel jobs each creating PRs with clashing branch names, and suppressing unnecessary warnings.


v2.5.3 (2023-10-25)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Avoid warning for inter-relative extra dependencies #198
  • Allow branch name customization #196

Fixed bugs:

  • A PR is not opened for CI - Check dependencies #195
  • Ignore options not parseable #194

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator