Android Developer
Candidate Programming Assignment
- Write an application which finds and displays paths/names of all files on the device
- Make the app highlight the file names which contain an input string
- Make the list sortable alphabetically, chronologically and by extension
- Notify the user about the number of matches for the input, inside and outside of the app
- Allow the user to save the results to a text file (you may ignore sorting)
- Allow the user to click a result to see (at least) the file size, created and modified dates in another screen
- If the file is an image, you should also display it in the details screen
- This assignment should be completed in Java, do not submit Kotlin applications
- It is expected this assignment can be completed within one to two days - 😐
- The finished assignment should be submitted as a GitHub link
- The submitted source files should compile without errors
- You are free to choose the minimum API level for your solution
- There is no need to cache results between searches
- If you include code from StackOverflow, please leave a comment in the code with the URL
- If you use any 3rd party libraries, please include the repository URL in a comment