Declarative Rollup Lookup Summaries (DLRS) is a sustainable open source community application that provides an admin-friendly declarative interface to generate and manage cross-object rollup summaries in your Salesforce org.
Part of the Commons program
- Rollup information between Lookup relationships, not previously possible without writing Apex Triggers.
- Define rollups using standard declarative UI, no coding required.
- Define filter criteria on rollups, like rolling up Closed Won Opportunity Amount onto Account.
- Run rollups in Realtime, Scheduled and Developer API modes.
DLRS a community built and maintained Salesforce package, please help support it share your experiences in this Trailblazer Community Group.
If you want to contribute as a developer, see our documentation
Contribute your non-developer skills - This project is in part contributed to as part of the Commons community sprint events. This GitHub repo tracks the current work being done for Documentation and UX improvement efforts.
As of Oct 25th, 2022 all content that used to be housed below here has been temporarily moved to a wiki page.