- Who participated in the Project Work? Marcelle Porteous, CSM Salesforce.org
- Who is the Group Leader(s)? Marcelle Porteous, CSM Salesforce.org
- Name of Project
Gender Neutral options in NSPS
- Dream Idea which sparked this project
The field has already been updated in NPSP but no one knows about it! Make it public Add Mx to salutations Add Gender and new Salutation options to HEDA too
- Dream Solution which sparked this project
Write the blog
Project Summary
- What is the project?
Amend Salutation fields in NPSP and HEDA to include Salutation: Mx Amend Gender Field in HEDA to include Non-binary and Prefer not to say Write blog to let people know that the NPSP now includes Non-Binary and Prefer not to say Add Preferred Pronoun to Contact / Lead, He/His, She/Hers, Them/Theirs
- What impact will this have on the Community?
Adding these features will not only answer some of our community trailblazer ideas, it will also allow our customers to be more mindful of peoples gender and pronoun preferences.
- How could this project be distributed into the Community? ie, private blog, new How-To Guide, a new or updated existing HUB Article, new Open Source App or Component, etc.
Initially a blog Then a further blog to let people know when the rest is done (I'm happy to write - Marcelle)
- Is this a new project, or one carried over from a prior sprint?
New project
- IWritten short blog: https://salesforce.quip.com/MdaoAXcm76oN (currently only editable / visible to Salesforce folk)
- Tasks that can be worked on by the Community or at a future Sprint
Add Gender options to HEDA package Add Mx to Salutation fields for NPSP and HEDA Add Preferred Pronoun to NPSP and HEDA packages Write next blog when this is done :)
- How can the broader open source Community help to finish this project?
Ask via Power of Us to suggest any further improvements to this, additions, amends
- What (if any) help would you like from Salesforce.org in order to share this project with the Community?
Publish the blog.