SF.lua is a lua library for MoonLoader that interaction with SA:MP. This library doesn't replace all SAMPFUNCS, it just adds new functions for the Lua script.
Version: v1.1-beta.
At the moment, SF.lua doens't have all the functionality of SAMPFUNCS:
- Events onSendRpc/onSendPacket/etc;
- Some RakNet functions;
- Custom handler for commands.
Supporting versions of SA-MP: 0.3.7-R1
, 0.3.7-R3-1
and 0.3.7-R5-1
There will be no functions in SF.lua:
- Functions for manipulating of DXUT windows;
- Interaction with SAMPFUNCS/CLEO.
New functions:
sampAddChatMessageEx(type_msg, text, prefix, color, pcolor) -- Add a message with a specific type (CHAT/INFO/DEBUG)
sampAddDeathMessage(killer, killed, clkiller, clkilled, reason) -- Add a death message
sampGetLocalPlayerId() -- Get local player ID
sampGetLocalPlayerNickname() -- Get local player nickname
sampGetLocalPlayerColor() -- Get local player color
sampSetPlayerColor(id, color) -- Set player color (client-side)
sampIsPlayerDefined(id) -- Does player ped exist by player ID
sampIsVehicleDefined(id) -- Does vehicle exist by vehicle ID
Copy the entire folder sflua
into the moonloader/lib
SF.lua depends on the library SAMP-API.lua
Official thread at BlastHack: https://blast.hk/threads/51388/