Electronics & Microelectronics Unit at the University of Mons [UMONS] Belgium
On this site, we try to provide as many examples and documentation as possible so that each student who wishes to carry out a personal project or for the community, has everything in hand to be able to start in good conditions, because some examples have already been performed to test sensors or peripherals.
Of course the codes aren't always optimized, but they are there just for testing or examples.
- /examples — Example sketch for PIC 16F887 or 18F4550.
- /Projects — Various basic project or student project.
- /Docs — All documentation related to examples or projects.
- Documentation for Modules and interfaces.
- Components Datasheet.
- Basic example codes for sensors or peripherals.
- Microcontroler Microchip PIC 16F887 and 18F4550.
- C compiler - CCS C Compiler
- Integred Bootloader - Tiny Bootloader
The codes and informations are made available and are open source.
If you have any questions, please contact SEMI1009@gmail.com.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.