PNEmu is an extensible python library that provides all the necessary to model Self-Adaptive Systems using High-Level Petri nets (HLPNs). It provides to researchers the ability to quickly model and simulate self-adaptive systems using P/T nets and High-Level Petri nets as managed and managing subsystem, respectively. The managed subsystem is encoded into the marking of a High-Level Petri net emulator that can execute, sense and alter the managed subsystem by means of library primitives. Our modeling approach leverages High-Level Petri to specify decentralized adaptation control in terms of feedback loops.
To install PyRPN from sources, first download the latest version from this repository. You can either clone the repository or download and uncompress the .zip archive. Then run:
python3 install
PyRPN should work fine with any Python 3.x version.
Let's start by defining a Place/Transition (P/T) net that represents the base layer.
The code snippets reported in the following loads the ms.pnml
file (i.e., a manufacturing system example),
in the resources
The PT
object is used in turn to initialize the emulator component.
The emulator is the fundamental building block that allows the base layer to be represented as data inside the marking of a HLPN.
from snakes.nets import *
from pnemu import PT, Emulator
pt = PT('ms', 'resources/ms.pnml')
emulator = Emulator(pt)
The snippet can be executed as script or in a interactive Python shell.
Once the base-level has been defined we can create the managing layer. The managing layer is composed of a number feedback loops (one for each adaptation concern), given in terms of HLPNs.
from pnemu import FeedbackLoop
loop1 = FeedbackLoop('fault-tolerance')
getTokens = 'lib.getTokens("broken")->n'
loop1.add_input_arc('init', getTokens, Value(BlackToken()))
loop1.add_output_arc(getTokens, 'breakSample', Variable('n'))
loop1.draw('resources/', render=True)
The lib.getTokens
represents a (read) primitive that allows the base layer to be sampled.
Namely, it reads the number of tokens inside the place passed as argument (either "in place" or attached to an input arc variable).
All the read/write primitives are defined and documented inside the
Each primitive is defined as a net transition attached to specific elements of the emulator.
An example of primitive definition follows.
entry = LibEntry(
signature='lib.getTokens(p_) -> M(p_)',
input=[('M', signature, Flush('M'))],
output=[('M', signature, Flush('M'))])
Once all the loops have been defined the entire self-adaptive system can be built by using the AdaptiveNetBuilder
net = AdaptiveNetBuilder(emulator) \
.add_loop(loop1, ['init'], ['fail']) \
.add_loop(loop2, ['init2'], ['repair']) \
An example of interactive simulation (through token game) follows below.
self.fire_lowLevel(net, 'load')
assert net.get_marking().get('M')('line1') == 1
assert net.get_marking().get('M')('line2') == 1
self.fire_lowLevel(net, 'fail')
assert net.get_marking().get('M')('broken') == 1
self.fire_highLevel(net, blockLoader)
assert net.get_marking().get('H')(('load','broken')) == 1
assert net.get_marking().get('locked') == MultiSet([BlackToken()])
The complete example can be found inside the
The execution of the test suite requires the pytest framework.
To run all the tests just type:
make test
Since the the AdaptiveNetBuilder
creates a snakes.nets.Petrinet
object, it is possible to use
the neco-net-compiler along with the SPOT library
to verify the correctness of the overall self-adaptive system with respect to design-time requirements
expressed using LTL properties.
Once both the spot
library and the neco-net-compiler
have been installed, it is possible to compile the
adaptive manufacturing system example by using the following command.
neco-compile -m -lcython --import pnemu.functions
Once the model has been successfully compiled, it is possible to compile and then verify the desired LTL properties, for instance:
neco-check --formula="G (not deadlock)"
neco-spot neco_formula
In this simple example, we check whether it is possible to loose the raw pieces along the production process.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU GPL-3.0+).
- The SNAKES library;
- PNemu as a representative example of SNAKES usage;
- neco-net-compiler usage and examples.
Camilli M., Capra L., Bellettini C. (2019) PNemu: An Extensible Modeling Library for Adaptable Distributed Systems. In: Donatelli S., Haar S. (eds) Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. PETRI NETS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11522. Springer, Cham
author="Camilli, Matteo
and Capra, Lorenzo
and Bellettini, Carlo",
editor="Donatelli, Susanna
and Haar, Stefan",
title="PNemu: An Extensible Modeling Library for Adaptable Distributed Systems",
booktitle="Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
Matteo Camilli, Carlo Bellettini, and Lorenzo Capra. 2018. A high-level petri net-based formal model of distributed self-adaptive systems. In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings (ECSA '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 40, 7 pages. DOI:
author = {Camilli, Matteo and Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo},
title = {A High-level Petri Net-based Formal Model of Distributed Self-adaptive Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings},
series = {ECSA '18},
year = {2018},
isbn = {978-1-4503-6483-6},
location = {Madrid, Spain},
pages = {40:1--40:7},
articleno = {40},
numpages = {7},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3241403.3241445},
acmid = {3241445},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
- Matteo Camilli:
- Lorenzo Capra: