This project contains a MDP compiler
written in Xtext/Xtend.
Given as input the description of the System Under Test (SUT) as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), the compiler
automatically generates the monitor instrumentation and the input files for the monitored-mdp-simulator.
This is a Xtext/Xtend
project containing an Eclipse plugin.
You can import it inside the Eclipse IDE by using Gradle
The mdpDsl
is a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL) used to describe:
- the model (i.e., a MDP) of the SUT;
- the binding between the model and the SUT;
- some optional configuration settings for the online MBT module.
The source file containing this information has .mdp
The model declaration contains the following statements:
model "tas-model"
w s b v a c
S0 {} initial
S1 {stop}
S2 {alarm} Dir~(a, <S3, 300.0> <S4, 200.0>)
S3 {full}
S4 {}
S5 {}
S6 {}
S7 {fast}
S8 {slow}
S9 {}
S10 {success}
a0 : (S0, s) -> S1, 1.0
a1 : (S1, w) -> S1, 1.0
a2 : (S0, b) -> S2, 1.0
a3 : (S2, a) -> S3, 0.5
a4 : (S2, a) -> S4, 0.5
a5 : (S4, w) -> S2, 1.0
a6 : (S3, w) -> S10, 1.0
a7 : (S0, v) -> S5, 1.0
a8 : (S5, b) -> S2, 1.0
a9 : (S5, c) -> S6, 1.0
a10 : (S6, w) -> S7, 0.5
a11 : (S6, w) -> S8, 0.3
a12 : (S6, w) -> S9, 0.2
a13 : (S7, w) -> S10, 1.0
a14 : (S8, w) -> S10, 1.0
a15 : (S9, w) -> S5, 1.0
a16 : (S10, w) -> S10, 1.0
The "tas-model"
represents the name of the model.
The actions keyword must be followed by a set of whitespace separated characters representing the available actions.
The states keyword must be followed by a set of lines containing states declaration.
Each line is composed of: the state identifier (i.e., Si
, with i
in N>=0
); the set of atomic propositions that hold in the state (i.e., {«p1», «p2», ...}
); the Prior distribution associated with the uncertain parameters of the MDP (i.e., Dir~(«a», <«Si», «p»> ...)
, with a
available action, Si
a reachable state, p>0
the concentration parameter).
Intuitively, the arcs section declares the transitions of the MDP model as a set of lines containing «arcID» : («Si», «a») -> «Sj», «p»
, where p
is the probability of observing Sj
from Si
when choosing the action a
After the model definition, the file must contain the binding declaration, composed of two main sections: the observe and the control that feed the Observer and the Controller components, respectively, during the conformance game.
a0 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='s'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S1\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a1 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S1\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S1\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a2 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='b'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a3 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S2\") && action=='a'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S3\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a4 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S2\") && action=='a'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S4\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a5 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S4\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a6 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S3\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a7 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='v'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S5\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a8 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S5\") && action=='b'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a9 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S5\") && action=='c'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S6\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a10 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S7\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a11 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S8\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a12 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S9\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a13 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S7\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a14 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S8\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a15 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S9\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S5\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
a16 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S10\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
The observe section contains a set of lines that map transitions of the model to method executions of the SUT.
In particular, each line follows this schema:
«arcID» -> «method signature», args {«name»: «type»}, precondition «bool expression», postcondition «bool expression» returnType «type»
. The precondition expression can refer to the input arguments and the postcondition expression can refer to the variable result
which contains the returning value of the method execution.
S0 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
S2 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
S5 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
"public void"
The control section contains a set of lines mapping MDP states to methods that should be controlled during the conformance game.
Each line follows this schema: «stateID» -> «method signature», args {«arg name»: «arg type»}
The online MBT module assumes the presence of a
argument, where the action chosen by the Controller is injected upon method call.
Finally, the the sample size and the exploration policy can be defined by using:
sampleSize 2000
explorationPolicy uncertainty
Available policies are: uncertainty
, random
and history
The complete example (i.e., the TAS) is available in the resources directory.
Given the .mdp
file, the The MDP Compiler
- the Monitor instrumentation (i.e., the
file); - the MDP simulator input file (i.e., the
file); - the Prism model checker input file representing the SUT (i.e., the
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU GPLv3).