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MDP Compiler

This project contains a MDP compiler written in Xtext/Xtend. Given as input the description of the System Under Test (SUT) as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), the compiler automatically generates the monitor instrumentation and the input files for the monitored-mdp-simulator.

How do I get set up?

This is a Xtext/Xtend project containing an Eclipse plugin. You can import it inside the Eclipse IDE by using Gradle.

The mdpDsl language

The mdpDsl is a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL) used to describe:

  • the model (i.e., a MDP) of the SUT;
  • the binding between the model and the SUT;
  • some optional configuration settings for the online MBT module.

The source file containing this information has .mdp extension. The model declaration contains the following statements:

model "tas-model"
	w s b v a c
	S0  {} initial
	S1  {stop}
	S2  {alarm} Dir~(a, <S3, 300.0> <S4, 200.0>)
	S3  {full}
	S4  {}
	S5  {}
	S6  {}
	S7  {fast}
	S8  {slow}
	S9  {}
	S10 {success}
	a0  : (S0, s) -> S1, 1.0
	a1  : (S1, w) -> S1, 1.0
	a2  : (S0, b) -> S2, 1.0
	a3  : (S2, a) -> S3, 0.5
	a4  : (S2, a) -> S4, 0.5
	a5  : (S4, w) -> S2, 1.0
	a6  : (S3, w) -> S10, 1.0
	a7  : (S0, v) -> S5, 1.0
	a8  : (S5, b) -> S2, 1.0
	a9  : (S5, c) -> S6, 1.0
	a10 : (S6, w) -> S7, 0.5
	a11 : (S6, w) -> S8, 0.3
	a12 : (S6, w) -> S9, 0.2
	a13 : (S7, w) -> S10, 1.0
	a14 : (S8, w) -> S10, 1.0
	a15 : (S9, w) -> S5, 1.0
	a16 : (S10, w) -> S10, 1.0

The "tas-model" represents the name of the model. The actions keyword must be followed by a set of whitespace separated characters representing the available actions. The states keyword must be followed by a set of lines containing states declaration. Each line is composed of: the state identifier (i.e., Si, with i in N>=0); the set of atomic propositions that hold in the state (i.e., {«p1», «p2», ...}); the Prior distribution associated with the uncertain parameters of the MDP (i.e., Dir~(«a», <«Si», «p»> ...), with a available action, Si a reachable state, p>0 the concentration parameter). Intuitively, the arcs section declares the transitions of the MDP model as a set of lines containing «arcID» : («Si», «a») -> «Sj», «p», where p is the probability of observing Sj from Si when choosing the action a.

After the model definition, the file must contain the binding declaration, composed of two main sections: the observe and the control that feed the Observer and the Controller components, respectively, during the conformance game.

	a0  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='s'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S1\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a1  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S1\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S1\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a2  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='b'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a3  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S2\") && action=='a'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S3\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a4  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S2\") && action=='a'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S4\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a5  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S4\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a6  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S3\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a7  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S0\") && action=='v'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S5\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a8  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S5\") && action=='b'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S2\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a9  -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S5\") && action=='c'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S6\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a10 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S7\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a11 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S8\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a12 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S6\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S9\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a13 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S7\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a14 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S8\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a15 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S9\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S5\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"
	a16 -> "public jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState", args {state:"jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState" action:"char"}, precondition "state.label().equals(\"S10\") && action=='w'", postcondition "result.label().equals(\"S10\")" returnType "jmarkov.jmdp.IntegerState"

The observe section contains a set of lines that map transitions of the model to method executions of the SUT. In particular, each line follows this schema: «arcID» -> «method signature», args {«name»: «type»}, precondition «bool expression», postcondition «bool expression» returnType «type». The precondition expression can refer to the input arguments and the postcondition expression can refer to the variable result which contains the returning value of the method execution.

	S0 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
	S2 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
	S5 -> "private char", args {actionList:"jmarkov.basic.Actions<jmarkov.jmdp.CharAction>" input:""}
	"public void"

The control section contains a set of lines mapping MDP states to methods that should be controlled during the conformance game. Each line follows this schema: «stateID» -> «method signature», args {«arg name»: «arg type»}. The online MBT module assumes the presence of a argument, where the action chosen by the Controller is injected upon method call.

Finally, the the sample size and the exploration policy can be defined by using:

sampleSize 2000
explorationPolicy uncertainty

Available policies are: uncertainty, random and history.

The complete example (i.e., the TAS) is available in the resources directory.

Given the .mdp file, the The MDP Compiler generates:

  • the Monitor instrumentation (i.e., the EventHandler.aj file);
  • the MDP simulator input file (i.e., the .jmdp file);
  • the Prism model checker input file representing the SUT (i.e., the .prism file).


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU GPLv3).

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