tags- easy to use for a limited number of dependencies
- brittle
- used in:
- all your projects so far
- the internet
- CommonJS pattern
- node/npm use this
- simple and easy to use
- designed for server-side
- synchronous, so
has to complete before continuing - used in:
- node.js
- browserify
- AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition)
- designed for client-side
- asynchronous, so modules can be loaded in parallel
- verbose, and hard to read
- used in:
- require.js
- ES6 modules
- native JS implementation, not a workaround
- easy to understand, very similar to other languages such as Python
- not well supported in browsers yet
- used in:
- ??
- Ember
- React
npm install -g webpack
webpack app.js webpacked.js
webpack app.js webpacked.js -p
npm install -g browserify
browserify app.js -o browserified.js
Any directory with a package.json
can be published as an npm module.
→ npm adduser
Username: jedfoster
Email: (this IS public) jed@jedfoster.com