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XML Filter for editing Code List Representation (genericode) files with LibreOffice Calc


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genericode-xml-filter is an XML filter for LibreOffice that converts genericode files to OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents. As the XML filter can be integrated into LibreOffice seamlessly, genericode files can be loaded and saved transparently.

About the underlying standards and tools


Genericode, also known as Code List Representation, is “a single semantic model for code lists and accompanying XML serialization that is designed to IT-enable and standardize the publication of machine-readable code list information and its interchange between systems”1. Genericode is developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). See the website of the OASIS Code List Representation TC for more information.

OpenDocument format

The OpenDocument Format is “a free, open XML-based document file format for office applications, to be used for documents containing text, spreadsheets, charts, and graphical elements”2. The OpenDocument Format is also developed by OASIS. See the website of the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC and the Wikipedia article on OpenDocument for more information.

genericode-xml-filter uses version 1.3 of the OpenDocument specification.


LibreOffice is an office suite that uses OpenDocument files as its native file format3. Through the use of XML filters, files in other file formats can be loaded and saved transparently.


Prerequisite: LibreOffice is installed, the minimum version needed is 24.2.54.

  1. Download the latest release of the genericode XML filter
  2. Open LibreOffice Calc
  3. Go to Tools -> XML Filter Settings... (for more information about this dialog, see the LibreOffice Help page on XML Filter Settings)
  4. Choose Open Package...
  5. Open the jar file downloaded in step 1


Opening genericode files

Via the LibreOffice Calc GUI

  1. Access the Open File dialog (for more information about this dialog, see the LibreOffice Help page on opening files)
  2. Select the “Code List Representation (genericode)” file type
  3. Choose the genericode file you want to open


The “Code List Representation (genericode)” file type must be chosen instead of “All files (.)”, otherwise the file will not be opened correctly.

Via the command line prompt

"C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\scalc.exe" codelist.gc --infilter="Genericode"

Editing genericode files

The spreadsheet contains four sheets:

  1. Identification: displays the contents of /gc:CodeList/Identification
  2. Additional code list metadata: displays the contents of /gc:CodeList/Annotation/Description
  3. Columns: displays the contents of /gc:CodeList/ColumnSet
  4. Values: displays the contents of /gc:CodeList/SimpleCodeList

Profile of genericode

Not all possibilities in the genericode standard are supported, and selected additional metadata element on the code list and its columns are supported.

Conventions and limitations:

  • For sheets Identification and Additional code list metadata: the first column contains the element name and any attributes in the format ElementName att1=value1,att2=value2, e.g. AlternateFormatLocationUri MimeType=text/csv or dcterms:description xml:lang. Make sure not to have a space after the element name if the element should not have any attributes.
  • The Qualified DC XML Schemas are used for additional metadata, see also, the properties from the namespace are used.
  • For the code list itself, all dcterms properties are supported in /gc:CodeList/Annotation/Description, and xml:lang is supported.
  • The Id attribute and the ShortName of a column are equal. If a column has another value as ShortName than the Id attribute in the genericode file, it will be replaced with the value of the Id attribute when the genericode file is saved.
  • For columns, only @Id, @Use, Data/@Type, Data/@Lang and Annotation/Description/dcterms:description are supported. ShortName is supported as well but is always set to the same value as the Id attribute and therefore not visible in the spreadsheet. xml:lang is not supported.
  • The Id attributes of the columns are used for the column headers in sheet Values.
  • An undefined value is encoded as an empty Value element.
  • The order of the Value elements must be the same as the order of the Column elements, if not, the transformation will be terminated and LibreOffice will display an error.

An example:

<gc:CodeList xmlns:gc="" xmlns:dcterms="">
      <dcterms:description>Description of my code list.</dcterms:description>
    <AlternateFormatLocationUri MimeType="text/csv">https://path/to/v1.0.0.mytype.csv</AlternateFormatLocationUri>
    <AlternateFormatLocationUri MimeType="text/html">https://path/to/v1.0.0.mytype.html</AlternateFormatLocationUri>
      <LongName>My organisation</LongName>
    <Column Id="code" Use="required">
          <dcterms:description>allowed value in data</dcterms:description>
      <Data Type="string"/>
    <Column Id="name" Use="required">
          <dcterms:description>word or words that the thing is known by</dcterms:description>
      <Data Type="string" Lang="en"/>
    <Key Id="key_code">
      <ColumnRef Ref="code"/>
    <Key Id="key_name">
      <ColumnRef Ref="name"/>


Further development of the XML filter requires the set-up of the XML filter in LibreOffice Calc via Tools -> XML Filter Settings..., see also Creating XML Filters.

General tab:

  • Filter name: Genericode
  • Application: LibreOffice Calc (.ods)
  • Name of file type: Code List Representation (genericode)
  • File extension: gc

Transformation tab:

  • DocType: (leave empty)
  • XSLT for export: location of ods2gc.xsl in your local working copy
  • XSLT for import: location of gc2ods.xsl in your local working copy
  • Template for import: (leave empty)

LibreOffice uses the libxslt library. This can be verified by adding the following comment to the output somewhere. libxslt provides an implementation of XSLT 1.0 and also supports most EXSLT extension functions.

    <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')" />

Therefore, the XSLT stylesheets can be tested using xsltproc, the command line tool for libxslt.

For testing ods2gc.xsl, save the code list you are testing with as a Flat XML ODF Spreadsheet (.fods file extension). Investigate that file using an XML editor and use it as input to the XSLT transformation.

xsltproc -o path\to\output.gc path\to\ods2gc.xsl path\to\codelist.fods

For testing gc2ods.xsl, transform the genericode code list to a Flat XML ODF Spreadsheet (.fods file extension). Validate the spreadsheet against the OpenDocument RELAX NG schema, e.g. with xmllint, and verify that it looks as it should in LibreOffice.

xsltproc -o path\to\output.fods path\to\gc2ods.xsl path\to\codelist.gc
xmllint --noout --relaxng path\to\OpenDocument-v1.3-schema.rng path\to\output.fods


xsltproc and xmllint can be installed as a package of OSGeo4W.

For more information about creating XML filters, see:


Save the XML filter as a package (a jar file) following the instructions on Distributing An XML Filter As Package.


  1. Source: Genericode Approved as an OASIS Standard

  2. Source: OpenDocument V1.3 OASIS Standard published

  3. Source: XML File Formats

  4. This is because of a bug in the XML filter functionality in earlier versions.