In this project, I designed an application to organize statistics for a professional hockey team. The aim of this application is to allow a user to record and update statistics for each player on a team.
As a result, this application is designed to be used by a hockey team to both record and visualize stats for their players. After statistics have been added by the user for each player, the user can choose to display a table to show the players' statistics. The user has the choice to show either skater or goalie stats. Furthermore, users can easily sort players by a metric of their choice.
I chose this project because I really enjoy data analysis and how it can be applied to sports statistics. Furthermore, I wanted to create a project that would be relevant for my future job prospects in data analytics and data science. Creating an application that takes in and organizes data is a skill that is very important to demonstrate in the field of data analysis and data science.
Here is some images showing what the application looks like:
This image shows the Goalies tab when the application is opened and no goalies have been added.
This image shows the Skaters tab when three skaters have been added.