My first 3D game with rust( and the bevy framework(
I am inspired by the classic computer game #pacman.
extern crate bevy;
use bevy::prelude::*;
struct Player;
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Icosphere { radius: 0.50, subdivisions: 32, })),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0., 0., 0. ),
struct Gamegrid {
value: [[Gameobject;11];10] //col row
impl Default for Gamegrid{
fn default() -> Self {
use self::Gameobject::*;
Self {
for (y, row) in gamegrid.value.iter().enumerate() {
for (x, col) in row.iter().enumerate() {
match col {
Gameobject::Bevyman => {
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Icosphere { radius: 0.50, subdivisions: 32, })),
transform: Transform::from_translation(gamegrid.to3d(x,y,0.5)),
Gameobject::FoodObject => {
fn move_player(
mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, With<Player>)>
for (mut transform,_) in query.iter_mut() {
let mut direction = Vec3::new(0.,0.,0.);
if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::Left) {
direction = Vec3::new(-1.0,0.,0.)
} else if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::Right) {
direction = Vec3::new(1.0,0.,0.)
} else if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::Up) {
direction = Vec3::new(0.,0.,-1.)
} else if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::Down) {
direction = Vec3::new(0.,0.,1.)
transform.translation = transform.translation + direction * PLAYER_SPEED * time.delta_seconds();
// wall -> back to old position
if gamegrid.wall_in_distance(transform.translation,0.4) {
transform.translation = collidable.old_position.clone();
} else {
collidable.old_position = transform.translation.clone();
// food -> eat
if gamegrid.food_at_pos(transform.translation) {
for (e, food_transform, _,_) in food_query.iter(){
if food_transform.translation.distance(transform.translation)<0.2{
let x = gamegrid.to_map_x(food_transform.translation.x, food_transform.translation.y, food_transform.translation.z);
let y = gamegrid.to_map_y(food_transform.translation.x, food_transform.translation.y, food_transform.translation.z);
score.foodcounter -=1;
if score.foodcounter == 0 {
score.points += 20;
if transform.translation.x > gamegrid.max_x {
transform.translation.x = gamegrid.min_x;
} else if transform.translation.x < gamegrid.min_x {
transform.translation.x = gamegrid.max_x;
if transform.translation.z > gamegrid.max_z {
transform.translation.z = gamegrid.min_z;
} else if transform.translation.z < gamegrid.min_z {
transform.translation.z = gamegrid.max_z;
commands.spawn_bundle(TextBundle {
text: Text::with_section(
TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 40.0,
color: Color::rgb(0.5, 0.5, 1.0),
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
position: Rect {
top: Val::Px(5.0),
left: Val::Px(5.0),
fn scoreboard(
score: Res<Score>,
mut query: Query<&mut Text>
) {
let mut text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[0].value = format!("Score: {}", score.points);
for (mut transform, mut collidable, mut direction, _) in query.iter_mut() {
if direction.value.x == 0.0 && direction.value.y == 0.0 && direction.value.z == 0.0 {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
match rng.gen_range(0..4) {
0 => {
direction.value = Vec3::new(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
//ghosts[i].mesh.rotation.y = -90 * Math.PI / 180;
1 => {
direction.value = Vec3::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//ghosts[i].mesh.rotation.y = 90 * Math.PI / 180;
2 => {
direction.value = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
//ghosts[i].mesh.rotation.y = 180 * Math.PI / 180;
3 => {
direction.value = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//ghosts[i].mesh.rotation.y = 0 * Math.PI / 180;
_ => {}
collidable.old_position = transform.translation.clone();
transform.translation = transform.translation + direction.value * GHOST_SPEED * time.delta_seconds();
//add config resources
.insert_resource(Msaa {samples: 4})
title: "bevyman".to_string(),
width: 640.0,
height: 400.0,
vsync: true,
//bevy itself