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Directory structure

└── src
    ├── backend
    |   ├── assets (images for backend README)
    |   ├── esp32cam (camera setup)
    |   ├── firebase (to upload to database)
    |   └── tensorflow (to handle model training)
    |       ├── cocoapi
    |       ├── data (TF record and label map)
    |       |   ├── test
    |       |   ├── train
    |       |   └── valid
    |       ├── models (all the model checkpoints)
    |       ├── object_counting (code for object counting)
    |       ├── object_detection (code for object detection)
    |       ├── models (all the model checkpoints)
    |       ├── [protoc] (see the setup guide for backend)
    |       ├── setup (scripts to setup environment)
    |       |   ├── object_counting (setup file for object counting)
    |       |   ├── object_detection (setup file for object detection)
    |       |   └── (some shell scripts to automate setup)
    |       └── (virtual environment name and config files)
    └── frontend
        └── project-app (react app folder)
            ├── public (electron config files)
            └── src (app contents)
            |   ├── api (api config files and functions)
            |   ├── assets (test assests)
            |   ├── data (test data)
            |   ├── pages (app pages)
            |   |   ├── ConfigPage (configuration page components and base file)
            |   |   |   └── components
            |   |   |       ├── FlowComponent
            |   |   |       ├── HelpComponent
            |   |   |       ├── LayerComponent
            |   |   |       ├── NavbarComponent
            |   |   |       ├── NodeComponent
            |   |   |       └── ScaleComponent
            |   |   ├── HomePage (home page components and base file)
            |   |   |   ├── components
            |   |   |   └── utils
            |   |   ├── LoginPage (home page base file)
            |   |   └── RegisterPage (registration page components and base file)
            |   |       └── components
            |   ├── resources (application logo)
            |   └── (base app files)
            └── (config files and app package details)