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Rundiz PostOrder - Re-order posts to what you want.

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=== Rundiz PostOrder ===
Contributors: okvee
Tags: posts, order, sort, re-arrange, sortable
Tested up to: 6.8
Stable tag: 1.0.6
License: MIT
License URI:
Requires at least: 4.7.0
Requires PHP: 5.5

Re-order posts to what you want.

== Description ==
If you want to customize the post order to the other than date, id, name. For example: You want to re-arrange it to display as what you want in your agency or company website.<br>
This plugin allow you to re-arrange the post order as you wish.

Re-arrange or re-order the posts but not interfere with sticky posts. Make your web sites different.

You can re-order by one step (move up/down) or multiple steps (sortable items - drag and drop).
Re-order across the page by drag and drop to the top or bottom and then use move up and down to make it re-order across the page.

You can also disable custom post order in some category or all everywhere by adding `rd_postorder_is_working` and `rd_postorder_admin_is_working` filters and its value is boolean.
You can do that in the settings menu. That's very easy.

Polylang or multilingual supported.<br>
In the new version, you can use language switcher to switch and list only posts on selected language and then re-order them.

It's clean!<br>
My plugins are always restore everything to its default value and cleanup. I love clean db and don't let my plugins left junk in your db too.

It's completely free!<br>
It's not the "pay for premium feature" or freemium. It's free and no ADs. However, if you like it please donate to help me buy some food.

= System requirement =
PHP 5.5 or higher<br>
WordPress 4.6.0 or higher

== Installation ==
1. Upload "rundiz-postorder" folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
3. Done.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is multisite support? =
Yes, of course.

= Is multilingual support? =
Yes, it is supported Polylang plugin for list the posts only selected language or all languages. For the other multilingual plugins, it should work too.

= Support for re-order the pages or custom post type? =
No, it doesn't support custom post type.

= Does it gonna be mess if I uninstall this plugin? =
No, on uninstall or delete the plugin, it will be reset the *menu_order* to zero (0) which is WordPress default value for post content.

= How to disable custom order in some category? =
Create your plugin and conditions whatever you want such as `is_category(['your','category','id','or','name'])` and then add this code `add_filter('rd_postorder_is_working', '__return_false');` to disable custom order in the categories you choose.
If you want to enable, just remove the filter or change from `__return_false` to `__return_true`.
Please note that to hook into this filter in the theme some times it might not work due to `pre_get_posts` limitation on the template. See more at .
For anyone who use this plugin v 0.8 or newer, there is a settings page that you can check front page or categories to disable custom order. To do this, go to Settings > Rundiz PostOrder menu.

= How to disable custom order in admin list post page? =
Same as disable custom order in the front-end. Add this filter hook into your theme or plugin. `add_filter('rd_postorder_admin_is_working', '__return_false');`
Please note that to hook into this filter in the theme some times it might not work due to `pre_get_posts` limitation on the template. See more at .

== Screenshots ==
1. Front end re-order with sticky post.
2. Admin re-order page.
3. Re-ordering action.

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.6 =
* Update alter post query and add new setting to disable custom order on admin pages.

= 1.0.5 =

* Update reset/restart numbering all posts order.
    Use default WordPress front page order including sticky at the top, and all other post statuses.

= 1.0.4 =

* Update priority for hook `pre_get_posts` to be lower (higher number) to let other plugins hook work with this plugin either.