Providing information about the covid travel restrictions in different countries.
- 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
- 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
- homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage so that I see what the app is about and directly find information
- sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the webpage so that I can enter information about the COVID travel restrictions in different countries
- login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account
- logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account
- profile - As a user I want to see my profile page to be able to edit it or delete it if I want to
- create info - As a user I want to create information so I can help others know about COVID travel restrictions
- detail info - As a user I want to see the details of COVID travel restrictions for a specific country
- successful entry - As a user I want to be able to see that I have entered the information correctly
- admin entries - As an admin I want verify the user entries.
List of other features outside of the MVPs scope
Profile page
- Upload my profile picture
Detail Info page
- Voting the information posted by the user
- Extra populate() to show more details of the user
Login page
- Login using Google, Facebook, etc.
- Clickable map in the homepage
- About us and Contact page
- GET / (Homepage) DONE
- renders /index.hbs the homepage
GET /main (SignUp/LogIn MainPage) DONE
- redirects to / if user logged in
- renders the /main-page.hbs (to log in or sign up)
GET /auth/signup (sign up page) - DONE
- renders the /signup-form.hbs
- redirects to /signup-successfully if user signed up correctly
- renders /signup-success.hbs
POST /auth/signup DONE
- redirects to /signup-successfully if user signed up correctly
- body:
- username
- email address
- password
GET /auth/login (login page) DONE
- redirects to /homepage or /create-information
- renders the /login-form.hbs
- if log in as admin, you go to the /verify-entries.hbs page
- redirects to /homepage or /create-information
- body:
- username
- password
POST /auth/logout DONE
- body: (empty)
GET /profile/:id DONE
- renders the /user-profile.hbs page
GET /profile/:id/edit DONE
- renders the /edit-profile.hbs page
POST /profile/:id/edit DONE
- params:
- id
- body:
- username
- email address
- profile picture as backlog
- renders the /user-profile.hbs
- params:
GET /user-entries Done
- renders /verify-entries.hbs
POST /user-entries/:id/delete Done
- params:
- id
- redirects to /verify-entries.hbs
- params:
POST /user-entries/:id/verify //Done Use method findByIdAndUpdate()
- params:
- id
- redirects to /verify-entries.hbs REDIRECT TO THE ROUTES NOT THE HB FILES
- params:
covid-info.routes.js (Shows info for a single country page)
GET /travel-restrictions/:country DONE without the dinamic
renders the /country-info.hbs
includes the travel covid info for a country
includes the filter thing ASK LUIS --> If we need to put a POST route for Filtering //WAYS OF DOING THIS:
When we apply filter. We are just fetching information. It could be a POST request
- Render the view only with the things that we apply the filter for.
- find
Displays the user name for each info entry. (.populate())
Includes status: pending or verifying
GET /add-information // AUTHORIZE DONE
- renders the /add-info-form.hbs
POST /add-information // AUTHORIZE DONE
- body:
- travelling from
- travelling to
- quarantine required
- covid test
- current date
- share your experience
- redirects to /entry-success.hbs
- body:
- User Model DONE
- Username: String
- Email address: String
- Password: String
- Admin Model
- Username: String
- Password: String
- Info Model DONE
- Status: String // Boolean or Enum
- Type of Covid test: PCR, LAMP,: String
- Current date: Number
- Travelling to: String
- Travelling from: String
- Quarantine thing: String
- UserId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" }
- Admin.seeds.js