RulesLawyer is a Discord application for installing in Magic: The Gathering-related servers, and is meant to be used as a "search engine" through various Magic rules documents. It is one of the "Early Verified Bots" of Discord.
This Github repository is simply for portfolio-building; it does not accept PRs and cannot be run without certain permissions that are not included. It may also be outdated; it is likely that the currently running version does not match the code here, since I'm pretty forgetful at actually git push
The application will not run locally without an API key with access to my personal development server. However, use of RulesLawyer is free to anyone. The installation link is below.
Website: www.ruleslawyer.app
Slack: Closed alpha (for now, feel free to contact me for access)
API: Installed privately (for now)
RulesLawyer uses content that is copyrighted to Wizards of the Coast and is used under the Fan Content Policy: https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/fancontentpolicy
Card data is provided by Scryfall via the same policy.