In this project, I added more functionality to the app I built in Stage 1 by building on the detail view for each movie, allowing users to 'favorite' movies.
functionality in stage 2 project:
allow users to view and play trailers (either in the youtube app or a web browser).
allow users to read reviews of a selected movie.
also allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping a button (heart).
make use of Android Architecture Components (Room, LiveData, ViewModel and Lifecycle) to create a robust an efficient application.
create a database using Room to store the names and ids of the user's favorite movies (and optionally, the rest of the information needed to display their favorites collection while offline).
modify the existing sorting criteria for the main view to include an additional pivot to show their favorites collection.
Recall from Stage 1, you built a UI that presented the user with a grid of movie posters, allowed users to change sort order, and presented a screen with additional information on the movie selected by the user:
- Java
- Android Support Libraries
- Picasso
- Butterknife
- Room
- Retrofit
- ViewModel and LiveData
Clone this repository in your local machine:
Open Android Studio and open the project from File > Open...
Get a developer API key from The Movie Database.
Then inside the file substitute API_KEY with your actual API key. Remember to not push your key to any public repository. API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"