RubenSystems realtime internet communication.
RSrtIC is a library for realtime comunication between computers. An example application for this is:
- Video calling
- Real time stock quotes
- Sending Autocomplete results for search
RSrtIC does not have gaurenteed delivery.
Since it is in c, it can be used in most environments. It has been used with Python (using cTypes) and Swift.
- Client/Server architecture, but with the same codebase
- realtime send and recieve
- (serverside) client eviction
- (serverside) client management
- connection management (for example, handling timeouts and reconnecting if the client/server is unable to connect)
RSrtIC the RStp (RubenSystems transfer protocol) to help data splitting and reconstruction
The data sent is called a "frame". A frame is split into packets in order to be sent. Each packet consists of
- 1: index (the index in the packet)
- 2: id (the id of the frame)
- 3: completion (if the packet is the last one in the frame)
- 4...end: data.