A new Cumulus-based Substrate node, ready for hacking ☁️..
This project is originally a fork of the Substrate Node Template modified to include dependencies required for registering this node as a parathread or parachain to a relay chain.
The stand-alone version of this template is hosted on the Substrate Devhub Parachain Template for each release of Polkadot. It is generated directly to the upstream Parachain Template in Cumulus at each release branch using the Substrate Template Generator.
👉 Learn more about parachains here, and parathreads here.
🧙 Learn about how to use this template and run your own parachain testnet for it in the Devhub Cumulus Tutorial.
cargo build --features runtime-benchmarks ; ./target/debug/paratensor benchmark pallet --pallet pallet_paratensor --extrinsic "*" --output ~/Desktop/out.txt --execution wasm
SKIP_WASM_BUILD=1 RUST_LOG=debug cargo test your_test_name -- --nocapture
Step 1: move tar into opentensor/rinzler (get the zombie net tar from someone.) Step 2: cd into opentensor/rinzler ( cd into this repo. ) Step 3: tar -xzvf scripts.tar.gz scripts ( untar the script here.) Step 4: sudo chmod a+x ./scripts/zombienet/OSX/zombienet (Set the permission on the binery, may need to switch from OSX to linux.) Step 5: ./scripts/zombienet/OSX/zombienet spawn -p native ./scripts/zombienet/zombienet.toml (run the script in that directory like this)