Welcome to the Amazon Automation Framework! This project is built using a structured Page Object Model (POM) to automate the Amazon website. The framework covers essential flows including Login, Dashboard Navigation, Product Details, Shopping Cart, and Order Review.
The framework is organized using the Page Object Model (POM) pattern for clarity and scalability. Here's the breakdown:
- src
- main
- java
- test
- java
- BaseTest
- Base setup and teardown methods
- CommonUtilities
- Utility for handling Excel filesExtent_Reports.java
- Configurations for Extent ReportsTakeScreenshot.java
- Utility for capturing screenshotsTestUtils.java
- Miscellaneous utilities
- Configurations
- Configuration properties
- Database_Connectivity
- Database connection helper
- Listeners
- Event listeners for reportingTest_Listners.java
- Test listeners for enhanced reporting
- Pages
- Page Object for Dashboard pageLoginPage.java
- Page Object for Login pageProductDetailsPage.java
- Page Object for Product Details pageShoppingCardPage.java
- Page Object for Shopping Cart pageYourOrdersPage.java
- Page Object for Your Orders page
- ScreenRecording
- Class to start video recordingScreenRecorderUtil.java
- Utility for handling screen recording
- Tests
- Test for Dashboard functionalityLoginPageTest.java
- Test for Login functionalityProductDetailsPageTest.java
- Test for Product Details functionalityShoppingCardPageTest.java
- Test for Shopping Cart functionalityYourOrdersPageTest.java
- Test for Orders functionality
- BaseTest
- java
- main
- Login Page: Automates login functionality using credentials.
- Dashboard Page: Verifies dashboard elements and navigation.
- Product Details Page: Selects product details and adds items to the cart.
- Shopping Cart Page: Verifies cart items and performs checkout actions.
- Your Orders Page: Checks order history and recent purchases.
- Java ☕
- Selenium WebDriver 🖱️
- TestNG 🧪
- Maven 📦
- Extent Reports 📄
- Java (JDK 8+)
- Maven
- TestNG plugin for IDE (optional)