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Nx Generators

Nx generators for Ronas IT projects.


  1. Create monorepo with Expo app using Nx Expo preset or with Next.js app using Nx Next preset:
# For Expo app:
npx create-nx-workspace@latest my-project --preset=expo --appName=my-app --e2eTestRunner=none --ci=skip

# For Next.js app:
npx create-nx-workspace@latest my-project --preset=next --appName=my-app --nextAppDir=true --nextSrcDir=false --style=scss --e2eTestRunner=none --ci=skip
  1. Install this package:
npm i @ronas-it/nx-generators --save-dev
  1. Run generators:
npx nx g repo-config
npx nx g code-checks

# For Expo app:
npx nx g expo-app

# For Next.js app:
npx nx g next-app

Or run all generators at once:

# For Expo app:
npx nx g repo-config && npx nx g code-checks && npx nx g expo-app

# For Next.js app:
npx nx g repo-config && npx nx g code-checks && npx nx g next-app
  1. Start the app:
npx nx start my-app
  1. Continue developing your app by generating libraries and components:
npx nx g react-lib mobile/account/features/profile-settings --withComponent
npx nx g react-component

Generators overview

Note: each generator accepts the --help argument to see generator instructions. Example: npx nx g react-lib --help.


1. repo-config

Sets up the monorepo structure for development.

2. code-checks

Configures code checks and formatting with pre-commit hook.


3. expo-app

Generates and configures an Expo React Native app.


  1. name (optional) - name of the app for app.config.ts (e.g: my-app)

  2. directory (optional) - name of the directory in the apps/ folder (e.g: mobile)


npx nx g expo-app --name=my-app --directory=mobile


npx nx g expo-app my-app mobile

4. next-app

Generates and configures a Next.js app.


  1. name (optional) - name of the app (e.g: my-app)

  2. directory (optional) - name of the directory in the apps/ folder (e.g: web)


npx nx g next-app --name=my-app --directory=web


npx nx g next-app my-app web


5. react-lib

Generates a library according to Nx notation.


  1. app (optional) - name of an app or shared.

  2. scope (optional) - name of a scope or shared. This option is for a library, related to an app.

  3. type (optional) - type of library. Possible values are features, data-access, ui and utils.

  4. name (optional) - name of a library.

  5. withComponent (optional) - generate the library with lib/component.tsx file. This option is for features or ui library.

  6. withComponentForwardRef (optional) - generate a component with forwardRef in lib/component.tsx file. This option works if withComponent is true.

  7. dryRun (optional) - generate the library without creating files


npx nx g react-lib --app=mobile --scope=account --type=features --name=profile-settings --withComponent --withComponentForwardRef --dryRun


npx nx g react-lib --dryRun

6. lib-rename

Renames an existing library and updates imports


  1. currentLibName (optional) - name of the library (e.g.: mobile-account-features-profile-settings)

  2. newLibName (optional) - new name of the library (e.g.: user-settings, project name will be mobile-account-features-user-settings)


npx nx g lib-rename --currentLibName="mobile-account-features-profile-settings" --newLibName="user-settings"

7. lib-move

Moves the library to a new destination. This utility also calls lib-tags generator.


  1. srcLibName (optional) - name of the library (e.g.: mobile-account-features-profile-settings)

  2. app (optional) - name of an app or shared.

  3. scope (optional) - name of a scope or shared. This option is for a library, related to an app.

  4. type (optional) - type of library. Possible values are features, data-access, ui and utils.

  5. name (optional) - name of a library.


npx nx g lib-move --srcLibName="mobile-account-features-profile-settings" --app=mobile --scope=settings --type=features --name="user-settings"

8. lib-remove

Removes the library. Before deleting a library you must remove all references to it.


  1. libName (optional) - name of the library (e.g.: mobile-account-features-profile-settings)


npx nx g lib-remove --libName="mobile-account-features-profile-settings"

9. lib-tags

Checks and configures Nx library tags. If your project does not already use library tags, you can add them using this generator.


  1. silent (optional) - disables all logs

  2. skipRepoCheck (optional) - disables check repository status


npx nx g lib-tags


10. react-component

Creates a React component in particular library.


  1. name (optional) - name of the component (e.g. AppButton)

  2. subcomponent (optional) - generate a folder for components

  3. withForwardRef (optional) - generate a component with forwardRef


npx nx g react-component --name=AppButton --subcomponent --withForwardRef


npx nx g react-component AppButton --subcomponent --withForwardRef

11. form

Generates a form schema class and adds its usage to a component or a hook.


  1. name (optional) - name of the form (e.g: profile-settings)

  2. placeOfUse (optional) - name of the component or hook, where the form should be (e.g: ProfileSettings or useProfileSettings)


npx nx g form --name=profile-settings --placeOfUse=ProfileSettings


npx nx g form profile-settings ProfileSettings


12. entity-api

Creates an API with related entities in API library. It also updates redux store middlewares, reducers.


  1. name (optional) - name of the entity (e.g. User)

  2. baseEndpoint (optional) - name of used endpoint in your API (e.g. /users)


npx nx g entity-api --name=User --baseEndpoint=users

13. sentry

Creates Sentry integration for Expo/Next application.


  1. directory (optional) - the application directory that uses Sentry

  2. dsn (optional) - Data Source Name of your Sentry project


npx nx g sentry --directory=apps/mobile --dsn=


Repository structure

Key repository elements:

  • plugin - contains the publishable package with generators source code;
  • apps/mobile and libs - an example RN app with libraries that showcases current generators capability, recommended app structure, and examples of libraries usage.

Local development

  1. Change or edit source code of generators in the plugin/src directory.
  2. You can test work of generators by running them in the repository. Example: npx nx g expo-app.
  3. Update generators metadata in plugin/generators.json if necessary.
  4. Submit a PR with changes.


In order to build the package, run build script.
Build results are placed in dist/nx-generators directory.


To publish a package distribution to NPM, run release script.