To start project you must have installed Node JS on your local PC
clone repository "git clone"
in terminal run "npm insatll"
run "gulp" for start project
Для запуска проекта необходимо установить пакетный модуль Node JS, глобально на вашем ПК
Склонируйте репозиторий с помощью команды "git clone"
Установите пакетные модули командой "npm install"
Введите "gulp" для запуска проекта
- npm run deploy
- open url https://{login GitHub}{repository name}/
.stylelintrc - Stylelint rules
.stylelintignore - Stylelint ignore
- npm run stylelint - for see errors
- npm run stylelint:fix - for fix errors
for auto fix in VsCode, added this line to settings.json:
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {"source.fixAll.stylelint": true}
for see errors in file:
- VsCode: install stylelint in the app store
- IDE from JetBrains: Settings > Stylelint (in search) > tick enable
.prettierrc.json - Prettier rules
for fix in VsCode:
- install prettier in the app store
- right-click on the document
- Format Document With
- Configure Default Formatter...
- Choose Prettier - Code formatter
for auto fix in VsCode, added this line to settings.json:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
for fix in IDE from JetBrains:
- Settings > Plugins > Marketplace > search prettier and install
- Search in settings prettier and tick this points:
On code reformat and On save - Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P for format document