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How use emit, props, $event with ts + vue3 + composition api script setup

├──📁 src/ # root directory

├──📁 assets/ # assets directory

├──📁 components/ # components directory
│ ├──📄 TheButton.vue/ # child component # $\textcolor{#e9918c}{\textsf{emit}}$ event $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{click}}$ to TheModal.vue
│ ├────📄 TheModal.vue/ # child of TheWelcome.vue, but parent of TheButton # $\textcolor{#e9918c}{\textsf{emit}}$ event $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{update:isOpen}}$ to TheWelcome.vue and watch $\textcolor{#e9918c}{\textsf{props}}$ $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{isOpen}}$ and synchronizes local $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{oModal}}$
│ └───────📄 TheWelcome.vue/ # parent component # use $\textcolor{#e9918c}{\textsf{reactive}}$ $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{openModal}}$. Use $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{isOpen}}$ as $\textcolor{#e9918c}{\textsf{props}}$ to TheModal.vue. Use $\textcolor{#7375dd}{\textsf{update:isOpen}}$ to synchronize with TheModal.vue

└──📁 styles/ # styles directory

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run serve