Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels or regions), which are similar with respect to some characteristic or computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture [1].
This repository is based on the course Segmentação de Imagens com Python de A à Z offered by the IA Expert Academy.
To read the files in this repository, you can navigate through the directories and files or use the links in this readme file.
Not available yet
[1.3. U-Net - Retina Challenge (NOT AVAILABLE YET)]
[1.4. DeepLab - Introduction (NOT AVAILABLE YET)]
1.5. DeepLab - Image Segmentation - MobileNetV2
1.6. DeepLab - Video Segmentation - MobileNetV2
1.7. DeepLab - Image Segmentation - Xception 65
1.8. DeepLab - Video Segmentation - Xception 65
1.1. Panoptic Segmentation - Introduction
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[1] Montes, C. A. (n.d.). Practical Computer Vision: Theory & Applications [Slide show]. basque center for applied mathematics.