Project original name : Rocket Crafting Servers
to avoid misunderstandings with other randomly
similar server names. Rocket is an alias for Unreal engine.
=> Migrate to ue4 builded from source.
=> Only active for now is 4.24.3 , i will wait until finish
Barbarian Road Mashines
basic demo with one game play map.
Basic account session staff based on node.js and MongoDB. Integration done:
- Node.js http1.1/http2 server
- Basic session account support (mongoDB)
- Vue-Typescript administrator panel project
- Test clients (rocket-craft repo)
- Rocket-craft client (4.22) exchange IP for opened dedicated users server run.
- Basic implementation for client library
or any vanilljs.
In term of storage/ [public access for external clients], rocketcraftingserver depens on admin-panel!
Also npm run serve
will not delete storage/
folder but npm run build
will do.
Do not use git or npm commands on your public server. Better way is to build on local and then simple upload project. Do not use any dev tools on public server it is my personal advice.
- First case is `Barbarian Road mashines` race game.
- First char in name
(for example IApp.ts) represent current interface used for generating API documentation. - Dont upload this project in www, htdocs, public folder on you public domain mashine. Like any node.js app.
- Folder
is somekind of sandbox. Dont import any file from root like congif.js. Even admin access it is still posible for public access. - Top secret list:
- system email mailtrap api
- public database password
├── database/ | ├── data/ (internal mongodb generated) ├── docs/ (Output for documentation html) ├── node_modules/ (auto generated) ├── admin-panel/ [Vue - admin app] | ├── dist/ (auto generated) | ├── images/ | | └── icons/ | | | └── svgs | | | └── pngs | ├── node_modules/ (auto generated) | ├── public/ [Vue - Public] | ├── src/ [Vue - src] | | └── components/ | | └── administrator/ | | └── accounts.vue | | └── profile/ | | └── avatar.vue | | └── profile.vue [ If not visible not active in project like `generic`] | | └── IFooter.ts | | └── IHeader.ts | | └── myFooter.vue | | └── myHeader.vue | | └── local-storage/ | | └── my-common/ | | └── common-func.ts | | └── literal.ts | | └── styles/ | | └── global.scss | | └── style.scss | | └── App.vue | | └── IApp.ts | | └── main.ts | | └── error-instance.ts | | └── shims-tsx.d.ts | | └── shims-vue.d.ts | | └── store.ts | ├── .eslintignore | ├── .gitignore | ├── babel.config.js | ├── index.html | ├── manifest.web [PWA - staff] | ├── package.json | ├── package-lock.json | ├── typedoc.json [Documentation generator config] | ├── tsconfig.ts | ├── vue.config.js [PWA - staff] ├── self-cert/ [server side local cert] ├── game-servers/ (Control from config) | ├──matrix-roulette [optimal] WIP | ├──hang3d-reborn [optimal] WIP ├── .gitignore ├── config.js [server side config] ├── LICENCE ├── ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── server.js [Main Server]
- MongoDB integrated [DONE] - Switch theme (style) [DONE] (whole palette ofo colors) - Test account route - register [DONE] - register confirmaton [DONE] - login [DONE] - user [DONE] - test ue4 clients part [DONE] - clients profile data [DONE] - Basic web app hosting - http server [DONE] - https server + ue clients [WIP]
Client application (all platforms releases/builds) use communication
with rocketCraftServer only on API
level with http/https protocol.
Only implications between ue client vs server.js is account session status (in database field online). Logged or not.
- Account routes - register form [DONE] - reg/confirmaton form [DONE] - login form [DONE] - foast-login [token] [DONE] - profile [DONE]
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Active project use 4.24 ue version - Project name : Barbarian Road Mashines | | Server use 4.24 ue version fro source | | +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | SOURCE : | | +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | DESKTOPS MOBILE GameConsoles WEB | | +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | WINDOWS | | ANDROID X-Box | | Unreal export direct from | | | | (dedicated server) [DONE] | | | | 4.22 or use engine 4.24 | | | | | | | | | | | | MACOS | | IOS | | (build from source) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | AdminPanel (ONE PART OF | | | | | | Sony Playstation | | THIS REPO) | | | | | | | | | | | | LINUX (dedicated server) | | etc | | Also can be used by any | | | | no implication with account | | | | web application fetch call | | | | session http server. [DONE] | | | | (API JSON Based content) | | | +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | rocket Client builds | | rocket Server builds | +----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ^ | | | | | | | | | | | WEB SERVER [For hosting ue html5 clients also for rocketcraft api] | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +----+----------v-----------+ +-----------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | REST API | | HTTP, HTTPS (1.1 or 2) | | | | [/rocket/register] | | | | | | [/rocket/confirmation] | +-----------------------------+ | | | [/rocket/register] | | | | [/rocket/login] | | | | [/rocket/fast-login] | | | | [/rocket/profile/upload] | | | | [/rocket/profile] | | | | [/rocket/profile-delete] | | | | [/rocket/leaderboard] | | | +---------------------------+ | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | SOURCE : | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NODEJS CORE | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MONGO DATABASE | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Admin Panel (Vue-ClassComponent-Typescript)
- Debugging proccess for server part with Visual-Code.
(Launch.json tested on windows)
create folder
.vscodein root of workspace and copy
launch.json`. Please use debugger and learn and feel node iterrator flow. - Admin ban user [NEXT]
- Active servers list [DONE]
- Admin only - delete profile [done]
Public RocketCraftingServer API:
Prefix: rocket
Admin panel:
Make shiled from
Hacker attacks
. Recommended is to run mongo without remote access! Make strong database password Use permission by definited host be mac-address or ip...All this prevent job is minimum action to make your server application
stay a live
.About .permission there is no setup this arg from code. Use MongoDB console or GUI Mongo DB Compass. This is all free. Just replace value
Basic data:
- Dedicated Server CentOS 8.3
- Build shipping version at the end.
- Use non standard port it si small but good secury feature.
- If you have mongo on same mashine use bind localhost not domain name.
It is easy to use distribution platform with more servers host mashines.
Be aware of NAT and need to have opened port if you have firewall active on your server.
- CentOS 8.3
use DB_NAME_ROCKET_ID{"name":"Nikola Lukic 2021"})
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port PORT/tcp
Examples for centos in case of signaling server and UE4 server useage:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=999/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=999/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=63000-64535/udp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 85/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 8888/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
For production or stage server dev use secured
arg and also you need
to have ssl private key and .crt file.
npm run app
Localhost MongoDB setup:
- run mongodb service on your computer
Then attach it:
mongod --dbpath data --bind_ip <DOMAIN>
At the end it looks like:
mongo --host IP-OR-HOST --port SECRET_PORT_CUSTOM -u "userAdmin" --authenticationDatabase "admin" -p
Manual operate with database:
show dbs
use <database_name>
db.users.update({},{$set : {"role":"user"}},{upsert:false, multi:true})
Deep look at package.json in root dir:
"scripts": {
"app": "node server secured",
"sameDomain": "node server IP_ADDESS secured"
Ue4 Clients -> Must be game engine builded from source. Generate visual studio source files. Build on right click -> first ue4 instance than build game instance. Use Development or Shipping - Editor If you wanna dedicated server build Development-Server or Shipping-Server build configuration in visual studio. For package run also game engine from source and simple package selected platform. For all platforms
4.24.3 Main reason is devices with opengles < 3.0 support plus Linux supported websocket experimental net driver [also dedicated server works fine].
This is Tradicional way
On finish whole this staff i will add future modern way
brach ( 4.26 > )
with last ue4 upgrade.
Best solution for one direction communication. First example comes for roulette server logic.
Server part:
* @description
* GamePlay Servers part
* Based on `Server Events` tech.
if ( == true) {
// let clients = [];
let facts = [];
const matrixRouletteCore = require("./game-servers/matrix-roulette/roulette-server.js");
matrixRouletteCore.clients = [];
hostingHTTP.get("/matrix-roulette-status", (request, response) =>
response.json({clients: matrixRouletteCore.clients.length})
function eventsHandler(request, response, next) {
const headers = {
"Content-Type": "text/event-stream",
Connection: "keep-alive",
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
response.writeHead(200, headers);
const data = `data: ${JSON.stringify(facts)}\n\n`;
const clientId =;
const newClient = {id: clientId, response};
request.on("close", () => {
console.log(`${clientId} Connection closed`);
matrixRouletteCore.clients = matrixRouletteCore.clients.filter(
client => !== clientId
hostingHTTP.get("/matrix-roulette", eventsHandler);
// |In case of adding new Event from client by the POST call.
// No need for roulette logic.
// async function addFact(request, respsonse, next) {
// const newFact = request.body;
// facts.push(newFact);
// respsonse.json(newFact)
// return sendEventsToAll(newFact);
// }
// Update from clients
//'/fact', addFact);
On client:
From matrix-engine-starter
project MAtrixRoulette:
const events = new EventSource("");
events.onmessage = event => {
const parsedData = JSON.parse(;
if (typeof parsedData.matrixRoulette === "undefined") {
if (parsedData.matrixRoulette.status == "MEDITATE") {
// = "MEDITATE";
new CustomEvent("MEDITATE_SERVER", {
detail: parsedData.matrixRoulette.counter,
} else if (parsedData.matrixRoulette.status == "RESULT") {
// = "RESULT";
"[serverEvent:matrix-roulette[win number]]",
} else {
events.onerror = event => {
console.log("ServerEvent Error:", event);
Test ->
From or from your own server.
- Login:
fetch("/rocket/login/", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
emailField: "",
passwordField: "123123123",
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
For private job i also run KureOrange at:
- Success build for linux cent os 8.3
- Success build for windows 10
Run on 5$ server dedicated server with: (Add permise for ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterServer-Linux-Shipping )
./ /Game/Maps/Sanctuary?game=FFA?listen?Bots=0
(GamePlay platform Rock)[]