Releases: RockLakeGrass/Python-Windows-installer
Python 3.8.13
The Python MSC V.1916 installation package is the official compiler used
The Python MSC V.1932 installation package updates and compiles MSVC using Microsoft Visual Studio's official update tool
The Python ARM64 Windows installer is not an official installer and I have changed parts of sources to support Tkinter.
Python 3.8.13 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.
The release you're looking at is Python 3.8.13, a security bugfix release for the legacy 3.8 series.
Python 3.7.13
The Python MSC V.1900 installation package is the official compiler used
The Python MSC V.1932 installation package updates and compiles MSVC using Microsoft Visual Studio's official update tool
Python 3.7.13 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.
The release you are looking at is Python 3.7.13, a security bugfix release for the legacy 3.7 series which is now in the security fix phase of its life cycle.
Python 3.6.15
Python 3.6.15 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.
The release you are looking at is Python 3.6.15, the final security bugfix release for the legacy 3.6 series which has now reached end-of-life and is no longer supported.
Python 3.5.10
Python 3.5.10 cannot be used on Windows XP or earlier.
Python 3.5 has reached end-of-life. Python 3.5.10 is the final release of 3.5.