Python script that listens to serial data and pushes virtual keyboard keys. Baudrate defaults to 9600, but is changeable with the optional second command line agument.
This works really well with Arduino's
function, as it waits for a newline terminated ASCII string to arrive, so an arduino could go:
and this program would type password
and press [ENTER] for you.
pip3 install pynput pyserial
Easiest way if you have python installed is to just python3 [port] [optional: baudrate]
This shold run on any operating system with the required packages installed.
There's precompiled binaries built with pyinstaller (--onefile) for Windows, OSX and linux.
They shouldn't require you to install anything else...
On windows type something like:
serial2keyboard.exe COM3 9600
On linux you go:
./serial2keyboard /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
Mac users, of course, already know how to do this, but in case you forgot:
./serial2keyboardOSX /dev/tty.usbserial-1410 9600
Bonus for Windows users: installing any program as a service (untested)
Just run the program without any additional arguments to run a scan that results in a list of suitable canditates. Thank you to CalPolyUROV for the nifty serial list function from here