Repo containing all RobotsGo development code for the AlphaBot2 Platform
Take control of the AlphaBot via gamepad or over a TCP/IP connection with keyboard while
streaming the AB2 camera via ustreamer to webpage or player.
For python3 only!!!!!
Set your AlphaBot2 up with Raspberry Pi OS
Log in to your AlphaBot2 via your preferred method.
Download the script make it executable and then run the script.
$ cd ~
$ wget -L
$ chmod +x
$ ./
This script will allow you to:
- Update rpi os, install all needed dependencies, xrdp, clone RobotsGo/AlphaBot2 repo, enable ssh, enable required hardware support, update eeprom
- Removes un-needed packages, setup Bluetooth XboxOne controller support, download and compile sixpair for PS3 Bluetooth pairing
- Install all needed dependencies for client network control, clone RobotsGo's AlphaBot2 repo
- Set the AlphaBot 2 up as a wifi 5Ghz AP with DHCP, WPA, SSID
Launch the start script from ~/AlphaBot2/AlphaBot2-Control/
$ ./
From this script you can start:
- ustreamer :Default port 8000
- Network Controller client
- Network Controller Server :Default port 5000
- PS3 Controller Server
- XboxOne Controller Server
- MMP1251 Mod My PI Controller Server
- ipega PG-9099 bluetooth Controller Server
- View version info and RobotsGo links
Streamer and Network Controller Server will auto set the IP of the AlphaBot
When script exits the Streamer should stop
PS3 Controller
R2 = Forwards, L2 = Backwards, RightStick = Steering Left/Right
LeftStick = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right, Cross = Kicker
Triangle = Center Camera, D UP/Down = Set Speed modes
D Left/Right = Change led's colours, Square = Buzzer
PS = Exit
XboxOne Controller
xbox = Exit, RT = Forwards, LT = Backwards
RightStick = Steering Left/Right, LeftStick = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right
D UP/Down = Set Speed modes, D Left/Right = Change led's colours
A = Kick, Y = Center Camera, X = Buzzer
Mod My Pi (mmp1251) Controller
R2 = Forwards, L2 = Backwards, HomeButton = exit
RightStick = Steering Left/Right, A = kicker
Y = Center Camera, X = Buzzer, D UP/Down = Set Speed modes
D Left/Right = Change led's colours, LeftStick = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right
WaveShare rpi GameHat
Start = exit, Select = Center Camera, TR = kick
X = Forwards, B = Backwards, Y = Left
A = Right, LeftStick = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right
Keyboard - Network client
Arrow Keys = Forwards, Backwards, Left, Right, Space = Kicker
wasd = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right, q = Centre Camera
1 2 3 = Speed Modes, ,. = Change led's colours, e = Buzzer
ipega PG-9099 'WOLAVERINE' BlueTooth Controller
Start = Exit, RT = Forwards, LT = Backwards
RightStick = Steering Left/Right, LeftStick = Camera Up,Down,Left,Right
D UP/Down = Set Speed modes, D Left/Right = Change led's colours
A = Kick, Y = Center Camera, X = Buzzer
Add XboxOne controller support
Request Add MMP1251 Mod My Pi gamepad support
Move as much functions over to the gpiozero library
Use the buzzer
Logo overlay on video stream
Use the IR sensors
Share data between the controller application and the streamer application (colour, speed modes)
Get images and videos of unit in action
Sort out rpi os install/script for GameHat + AB2
Improve camera streaming performance - investagate other ways VLC requires 'Network Caching' to be reduced to 200ms to remove delay
Build all this in to a wiki