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Overview 4: Processors

francesco edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 1 revision


Processors defines the policy that a compound skill uses to access its children. We define the following processors:

  • Serial (->): The default processor. Process children in sequence until all succeed. Restarts finished (succeeded/failed) skills. Returns on first occurrence of a running of failed skill.
  • SerialStar (->*): Like serial, but keeps memory of which nodes previously succeeded and does not tick them again. The memory index is reset on failure, success or preemption.
  • Selector (?): Process children in sequence until one succeeds, ignoring failures. Returns on first occurrence of a running or successful skill.
  • SelectorStar (?*): Like Selector, but keeps memory of which nodes previously succeeded and do not tick them again. The memory index is reset on failure, success or preemption.
  • ParallelFf (Parallel First Fail): Process children in parallel until all succeed. Stop all processes if a child fails.
  • ParallelFs (Parallel First Stop): Process children in parallel until one succeed. Stop all processes if a child finishes (succeeded/fail).


Decorators modify the return state of a Processor. The available decorator is currently:

  • NoFail: Returns only running or success. Failure state is converted in Success state.