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Releases: RobotExMachina/Machina.NET

v0.9.0 KUKA online!

05 Jan 15:15
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BUILD 1600

v0.8.14 ArcMotion

15 Feb 21:09
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BUILD 1508

  • Added ArcMotion/To action.
  • ArcMotion action compiles to ABB offline
  • ArcMotion action streams to ABB online
  • Fixed ABB variable-base compiler, id numbers are now correlative.

BUILD 1507


03 Nov 19:31
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BUILD 1506

  • Fixed bug that wouldn't allow WriteAnalog and WriteDigital to be exected on the same program.


BUILD 1505

  • Fixed a bug with WriteAnalog on UR devices.


28 Sep 21:30
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BUILD 1505

  • Fixed a bug with WriteAnalog on UR devices.


12 Mar 22:08
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BUILD 1504

Action.Id generation comes from a static counter in the Action class. This had a couple problems:
- The counter is unique to the library. So, if a Robot was Disposed and a new one created, the first action for the second one would pick up from where the previous robot left (like resetting the Bridge multiple times). Alternatively, if the same assembly manages two robots, their action ids would alternate or be entwined.
- Can't do it instance, because it would require factory methods from the robot to create actions.
- Solution: new Actions are created with an id of -1 (or id-less). This maintains the flexibility of creating robot-agnostic actions. However, when they get issued to a Robot instance, the instance adds a rolling id coming from an internal counter.
- Let's see how many things I break by doing this... XD
- In any case, in the future, migration to non-numeric ids would be preferred...

  • Shift Action.Id generation to OnIssue.

BUILD 1503

  • Softened exceptions for RobotStudioManager: they are now Machina Logger Errors.
  • ActionExecuted events are now raised for Actions that are non-streamable (like MotionMode). This is a good improvement, and solves a problem with the Bridge were such actions would not get acknowledged.


27 Feb 18:52
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BUILD 1502

  • Compilers now have embedded abstract comment characters and encoding
  • Compilers now return MachinaFile objects instead of List<string>. This helps with multi-file program creation.
  • MachinaFiles serialize to different string lists...
  • KUKA compiler now returns dat and src files.
    • MachinaFiles is now RobotProgramFile
  • Added RobotProgram as an aggregator of RobotProgramFiles.
  • Adapt the ABB compiler to spit out two files
  • Adapt the UR compiler to spit out the script file
  • Adapt all the other compilers to reflect these changes
  • Check that all changes work
  • Split Types namespace into Types.Geometry and Types.Data or similar
  • Will need to change the GH + Dynamo compilers to adapt to these changes...

BUILD 1501

  • Changed the KUKA compiler with edits suggested by Alexander and Matty from RMIT.


BUILD 1500

  • Picked the project up after a long hiatus...
  • Added [ParseableFromString] attribute for those methods in the API that can be parsed from primitive values.
  • Changed Do(): it now parses a string and tries to turn it into an action using reflection.
  • Added Issue(Action): does what Do() used to do, take an Action and issue it.


BUILD 1430

  • Add wobj code option for ABB driver.
  • Add quick conversion utility which I will totally revert...

# v0.8.9

27 Feb 20:51
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BUILD 1429

  • Fix Example files.

# v0.8.8

20 Dec 17:39
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BUILD 1428

  • Revert RobotCursor to default null tool; this was giving a full other set of problems... Let's see what I break now by doing this...
  • Fix bug where tools changes would accumulate rather than undo...
  • New build version to keep up with Dynamo app update.


BUILD 1426

  • CustomAction on ABB now adds action id and statemenet terminator automatically.
  • Add quick custom action on ABB for Yumi gripping
  • Fix check on UR protocol

BUILD 1427

  • Helper methods are now under Machina.Utilites namespace.
  • Add utility parsing functions.


20 Nov 17:32
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BUILD 1424

  • Added more getters for robot state
  • More Type stringification
  • RobotCursor now has the "noTool" tool attached by default.
  • Unstreamable action now is logged at Verbose level

BUILD 1425

  • Workaround to SW3.0 crash problem: #7
  • Relative actions now log absolute state on Verbose


16 Nov 02:00
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v0.8.5 - UR fixes

BUILD 1423

  • UR now uses movep for linear motion, to ensure constant speed and blending radius
  • Fix UR tool rounding error on weight.
  • Fix UR analog out not existing for tool
  • Fix UR DO for tool not streaming.

BUILD 1424

  • UR now initializes state (no need to start with a Transform...)
  • Improved native type stringification.
  • TCP position and Axes are now displayed upon connection.
  • Fix typos on UR compiler
  • Reverted back to UR movel motion on online due to SW3.0 problems: #7
  • Additional error handling for UR dis/connection.
  • Reverted default ToString() to no labels (must extend this behavior to all the other types)