PythonParser.g4 is the ANTLR4 parser grammar that based on the official Python PEG grammar
PythonLexerBase class
- handles the Python indentations
- creates encoding token
- tokenizes fstring literals
- and manage many other things
Example files from: Python 3.13 Standard Lib
- parser grammar update for Python 3.13.2
- added ENCODING token
- complete rewrite of fstring tokenizer in lexer grammar and PythonLexerBase class
- now correctly tokenizes the followings in fstring:
- escape sequences
- walrus operator
- dictionary comprehension
- set comprehension
- now correctly tokenizes the followings in fstring:
- soft keywords changes:
- no embedded code (semantic predicates) in parser grammar for soft keywords
- no need for PythonParserBase class
- no need for transformGrammar.py
- dedicated tokens for soft keywords instead of NAME token:
- dedicated tokens for soft keywords instead of NAME token: