First Release 🎉
Currently functionality is only partially implemented.
Hardcover syncing is supported (there may be bugs) but Anilist has not been implemented yet
[0.0.1] - 2024-11-02
- Add additional handling for missing databases by @RobBrazier
- Add more info to readme by @RobBrazier
- Add tools.go to make sure genqlient doesn't keep getting removed by @RobBrazier
- Add goreleaser by @RobBrazier
- Add initial logic for hardcover status updating by @RobBrazier
- Add devenv and switch to schemas generated by npx gql-sdl by @RobBrazier
- Add initial anilist/hardcover graphql implementations by @RobBrazier
- Add taskfile and get ignore compiled binary by @RobBrazier
- Add initial implementation with stub implementations for sources and targets by @RobBrazier
- Switch from cgo sqlite3 to modernc/sqlite for better portability by @RobBrazier
- Set CGO_ENABLED=1 by @RobBrazier
- Update genqlient paths by @RobBrazier
- Move packages into internal by @RobBrazier
- Retrieve recent reads from database by @RobBrazier
- Re-add license by @RobBrazier
- Initial commit by @RobBrazier
- Fix to update reading status, otherwise can't move from want to read -> reading by @RobBrazier
- Remove generic token setting logic as it's in the setup command now by @RobBrazier
- Remove override flags and just use config by @RobBrazier
- Remove config command and add a 'setup' command using a fancy huh form by @RobBrazier
- Remove shellcheck pre-commit hook by @RobBrazier
- Remove promptui library by @RobBrazier
New Contributors
- @RobBrazier made their first contribution