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Created a random password generator in Python.

We know that passwords are a real security threat. To keep your account safe and prevent your password from being hacked you have to make your password hard enough that nobody can guess. The Password generator tool creates a random and customized password for users that helps them to create a strong password which provides greater security.

The project

The objective of this project is to create a password generator using python. The password generator project will be build using python modules like Tkinter, random, string, pyperclip.

In this project, the user has to select the password length and then click on the “Generate Password” button. It will show the generated password below. If the user clicks on the “Copy To Clipboard” button, then it will copy the password automatically.

Project Prerequisites

To build this project we will use the basic concept of python and libraries – Tkinter, pyperclip, random, string.

  • Tkinter is a standard GUI library and is one of the easiest ways to build a GUI application.
  • pyperclip module allows us to copy and paste text to and from the clipboard to your computer
  • The random module can generate random numbers
  • string module contains a number of functions to process the standard python string. To install the libraries we can use pip installer from the command line:
1. pip install tkinter
2. pip install pyperclip
3. pip install random
4. pip install strings

Steps to create random password generator

1. Import Libraries

The first step is to import libraries

from tkinter import *
import random, string
import pyperclip

2. Initialize Window

root =Tk()
root.title("BeRito - PASSWORD GENERATOR")
  • Tk() initialized tkinter which means window created
  • geometry() set the width and height of the window
  • resizable(0,0) set the fixed size of the window
  • title() set the title of the window

3. Select Password Length

pass_label = Label(root, text = 'PASSWORD LENGTH', font = 'arial 10 bold').pack()
pass_len = IntVar()
length = Spinbox(root, from_ = 8, to_ = 32 , textvariable = pass_len , width = 15).pack()
  • pass_len is an integer type variable that stores the length of a password.
  • To select the password length we use Spinbox() widget.
  • Spinbox() widget is used to select from a fixed number of values. Here the value from 8 to 32

4. Function to Generate Password

pass_str = StringVar()
def Generator():
    password = ''

    for x in range (0,4):
        password = random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) + random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) + random.choice(string.digits) + random.choice(string.punctuation)
    for y in range(pass_len.get()- 4):
        password = password + random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + string.punctuation)
  • pass_str is a string type variable that stores the generated password
  • password = “” is the empty string
  • First loop will generate a string of length 4 which is a combination of an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, digits, and a special symbol and that string will store in password variable.
  • The second loop will generate a random string of length entered by the user – 4 and add to the password variable. Here we minus 4 to the length of the user because we already generate the string of length 4.

We have done this because we want a password which must contain an uppercase, a lowercase, a digit, and a special symbol.

Now the password is set to the pass_str() variable.

5. Function to Copy Password

def Copy_password():

Button(root, text = 'COPY TO CLIPBOARD', command = Copy_password).pack(pady=5)

pyperclip.copy() used to copy the text to clipboard

Python Password Generator Output



With these steps, we have successfully created a random password generator project using python. We used popular tkinter library to rendering graphics in our display window and we also learned about pyperclip and random library.

We learned how to create buttons, input textfield, labels, and spinbox. In this way, we successfully created our password generator python project. Hope you enjoyed it.


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