This repo contains a Web Dev Project which was designed by me as a part of my internship at Tata Technologies. "A Responsive Website on Hospital Management". I have used various tech stacks to create this project such as HTML5, CSS, Tailblocks, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript etc. I have also linked a backend Google Spreadsheet to this project which can save the data of the Users who has registered themselves on the website. Also Designed a sign in page for the users where user can log in with their account and can further book their appointments etc. This is just a responsive website and not fully developed. This was just a project which was alloted to me during my internship. This project required advance knowledge on various fields mainly in JavaScript, the level of HTML5 and CSS used are intermediate and advance. Link to the Spreadsheet attached- .
[NOTE: The Sign in page does not verifies the user's authentication for their registered email and password it is just a prototype and the backend is not fully developed.]