A matrimonial website with a custom inbuilt Recommender system for finding a suitable bride or groom. Recommender system will use many paramters to find a suitable partner according to specification or data entered.
This was made for Chitkara University as a Project for AWS Course Subject.
npm start or node app.js or nodemon app.js
It will run under the url
Email and Password for Online Website:
- Admin
- Email : admin@gmail.com
- Password : admin
- Users
- 1
- Email : salamkhan@gmail.com
- Password : salamkhan
- 2
- Email : kareena@gmail.com
- Password : kareena
- 3
- Email : akshay@gmail.com
- Password : akshay
- 1
Note : All Email ID are fake and used for development
- Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
- MongooseDB
- MongooseDB Compass (Optional)
- Pre-requisites or Dependencies (Defined Below)
- Currently are there are two Roles defined.
- User
- Update Profile
- Search Profile
- Use Recommeder to find parnter
- Admin
- Manage Users
- Here we are using Hybrid Recommendation System combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering.
- In this type of system more User searches for their partner based on filter and criteria, better and accurate the recommendation User are.
- It also sees and update recommendation as User click and searches a particular User which was generated from the early recommended User genersted from their data.
- Every User has their own recommendation data, which will allow every User to find their parnter on their interest.
- Recommendation is based many factors shown in below table and how their evaluation is done.
Name | Type | Required | Unique | Encrpyted |
firstname | String | Yes | No | No |
String | Yes | Yes | No | |
gender | String | Yes | No | No |
password | String | Yes | No | Yes |
photourl | String | Yes | No | No |
peronaldetails | Reference | Yes | No | No |
recommendationdetails | Reference | Yes | No | No |
type ( Role ) | String | Yes | No | No |
isVerfied | Bollean | Yes | No | No |
isActive | Bollean | Yes | No | No |
Name | Type | Required |
middlename | String | No |
lastname | String | Yes |
religion | String | No |
DOB | String | Yes |
age | Number | Yes |
mothertongue | String | No |
phoneno | String | No |
education | String | No |
height | String | No |
weight | String | No |
address1 | String | No |
city | String | No |
state | String | No |
isDoingJob | Bollean | No |
user | Reference | No |
Name | Type |
user | Reference |
religion | Array of Object |
minage | Number |
maxage | Number |
education | Array of Object |
religion: [{
name: {
type: String,
count: {
type: Number
education: [{
name: {
type: String,
count: {
type: Number
- Express
npm install express
- EJS-Mate
npm install ejs-mate
- Path
npm install path
- Serve Favicon
npm install serve-favicon
- Connect Mongo
npm install connect-mongo
- Express-Session
npm install express-session
- Morgan
npm install morgan
- Mongoose
npm install mongoose
- Body Parser
npm install body-parser
- Dotenv
npm install dotenv
- Bcrpty
npm install bcrpty
|___ Root
| |--- app.js
| |
| |--- Procfile ( Heroku File )
| |
| |--- .env ( Enviroment File )
| |
| |--- config
| | |--- db.js
| | |--- utils.js
| |
| |--- Controller
| | |--- index.js
| | |--- recommendation.js
| | |--- users.js
| |
| |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
| |
| |--- middlewares
| | |--- middleware.js
| |
| |--- Models
| | |--- personaldetails.js
| | |--- recommendation.js
| | |--- users.js
| |
| |--- Public
| | |--- css (Static)
| | |--- images (Static)
| | |--- script
| | | |--- bootstrap.min.js
| | | |--- datatables.js
| | | |--- datatables.min.js
| | | |--- editprofile-js.js
| | | |--- home-js.js
| | | |--- loginandregister.js
| | | |--- manage_user-js.js
| | | |--- searchpage.js
| |
| |--- router
| | |--- index.js
| | |--- Handlers
| | |--- admin.js
| | |--- user.js
| |
| |--- views
| | |--- partials
| | | |--- navbar.ejs
| | |
| | |--- adddetails.ejs
| | |--- editprofile.ejs
| | |--- home.ejs
| | |--- index.ejs
| | |--- manage_people.ejs
| | |--- searchpage.ejs
| | |--- user.ejs