A social e-commerce platform where users have niche-specific groups giving them individual spaces to share and discuss fashion.Features include creation and join groups.Option to post and comment in the fashion of a bulletin-board, thereby letting people see the newer trends first.Recommendation of groups based on the similar interests.Recommend clothes according to their likes and interests in their niche-specific groups.
-> Renders the Ecommerce Landing Page - User authentication routes
-> Renders the registration view - POST
-> Creation of new user account - GET
-> Renders the login view - POST
-> User login - GET
-> Logs the user out and redirects to/login
route - GET
-> Renders the group Landing page i.e. the post of all the Groups you are part of. - GET
-> Renders all the groups you are part of alng with the suggested Groups done using ML. - GET
-> Renders all the details within a group - GET
-> Renders all the products - GET ```/suggestedProducts`` -> Renders all the suggested products done using ML
(Note : These instructions are only for developers/testers for now)
- Open git bash or cmd
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/Debojyoti1915001/NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running.git
- Change to the NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running directory
cd NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running
- The operational code is in
git checkout --track origin/dev
- Obtain the .env file and place it inside the root (NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running) directory
NODEMAILER_EMAIL= enter_your_email_here
NODEMAILER_PASSWORD = enter_your_email's_password_here
JWT_SECRET = seaoftranquility
- Open your git bash or cmd again, and cd to the NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running directory. Then
npm install
After all packages have gotten installed,
nodemon src/app.js
Web app will be accessible at localhost:3000
- Change to the NIT-SILCHAR-200-Running directory
cd ML
- The following python modules are required for running of the flask app
pip install sklearn
pip install tensorflow
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install tqdm
pip install nltk
pip install Pillow
pip install spacy
pip install pickle
pip install flask
pip install requests
- Install the required python modules and After all packages have gotten installed,
py app.py
Web app will be accessible at localhost:5000