benchmark-meter is a straightforward benchmarking tool designed for measuring the performance of algorithms.
Install using npm:
npm i benchmark-meter -D
To use the benchmark-meter with synchronous algorithms, follow the steps below:
// Load the module using import
import { Benchmark } from 'benchmark-meter';
// Alternatively, use CommonJS syntax
const { Benchmark } = require('benchmark-meter');
// Create a new instance of the Benchmark class
const benchmark = new Benchmark();
// The add method takes three arguments:
// 1. The name of the algorithm
// 2. A callback containing the algorithm's logic
// 3. (Optional) A number specifying how many times your algorithm will be executed
benchmark.add('count to 100_000', () => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 100_000; i += 1) {
sum += 1;
// The run method will execute all the added algorithms => console.log(result.get()));
If you plan to utilize benchmark-meter with asynchronous algorithms, follow the modified code structure below!
const benchmark = new Benchmark();
// For asynchronous callbacks, you can use the async/await syntax directly
benchmark.add('promise', async () => {
await promise();
// If your callback is non-async, use .then with return
benchmark.add('promise', () => {
return promise().then();
// Ensure you follow this structure!
// Using other approaches may not work as expected! => console.log(result.get()));
To include more than one algorithm, you can use the add method multiple times, as demonstrated in the example below:
const benchmark = new Benchmark();
// Algorithm 1: Count to 100_000
benchmark.add('count to 100_000', () => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 100_000; i += 1) {
sum += 1;
// Algorithm 2: Count to 1_000_000
benchmark.add('count to 1_000_000', () => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i += 1) {
sum += 1;
// Algorithm 3: Asynchronous Promise
benchmark.add('promise', async () => {
await promise();
// Run the benchmark and log the results => console.log(result.get()));
You have the flexibility to adjust how many times your algorithms will be executed, providing a balance between precision and benchmark duration. The default execution frequency for all algorithms is set to 10 times. If you wish to customize this, follow the examples below:
const config = {
repeat: 20,
const benchmark = new Benchmark(config);
// Continue with the rest of your code...
In this case, all algorithms added to the benchmark will execute 20 times, enhancing result precision at the cost of increased benchmark duration
const config = {
repeat: 20,
const benchmark = new Benchmark(config);
// Algorithm 1: Count to 100_000 (executed 20 times)
benchmark.add('count to 100_000', () => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 100_000; i += 1) {
sum += 1;
// Algorithm 2: Count to 1_000_000 (executed 5 times)
benchmark.add('count to 1_000_000', () => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 1_000_000; i += 1) {
sum += 1;
}, 5);
// Continue with the rest of your code...
Here, we specified different execution frequencies for individual algorithms. This allows you to fine-tune the benchmark based on the specific requirements of each algorithm
After running your algorithms, you will receive an instance of DataResult
, which facilitates the display of your benchmark results.
The get
method provides the results of your benchmark in an array, following the order in which the algorithms were added: => console.log(result.get()));
The fastestToSlowest
method returns an array where the first position (index 0) corresponds to the fastest algorithm, and the last position represents the slowest algorithm: => console.log(result.fastestToSlowest()));
To obtain the information about the fastest algorithm, you can use the fastest
method, which returns an object containing details about the fastest algorithm: => console.log(result.fastest()));
In addition to the previously mentioned methods, there are two more methods that function in a similar manner:
// returns an array where the first position represents the slowest algorithm,
// and the last position corresponds to the fastest algorithm => console.log(result.slowestToFastest()));
// returns an object containing details about the slowest algorithm => console.log(result.slowest()));
For all the methods mentioned earlier (fastestToSlowest
, fastest
, slowestToFastest
, slowest
), the results are ordered based on the average duration of execution. This sorting approach is selected because arranging results solely by the fastest or slowest execution does not offer conclusive insights.
The average duration is calculated by summing up all the execution durations and dividing that sum by the number of times the algorithm was executed. This method provides a more representative measure of performance, considering variations in execution times across multiple repetitions.
When your algorithm has the potential to throw an error, it's crucial to handle it appropriately. Errors thrown during the benchmark will halt the execution. Here's how you should handle errors in your algorithms:
// Incorrect way: If your algorithm throws an error, it will stop the execution
benchmark.add('can throw an Error', () => {
// Correct way: Handle errors using a try-catch block to prevent execution interruption
benchmark.add('can throw an Error', () => {
try {
} catch (error) {
It is not recommended to use our lib with APIs, especially when specifying a larger repeat option (greater than 1). This can potentially lead to HTTP Error 429 (Too Many Requests) due to an excessive number of API calls. If the API is still under development and you have control over it, then you may consider using it in such cases.
Rikelmy Lopes
Made with ❤️ by Rikelmy Lopes! Get in touch!