Extract "Version-selection.zip" and copy the "ClassiCube.js" file to the "Offline-Singleplayer-ClassiCube" folder to replace the original one (All playable "ClassiCube.js" versions will be on "Version-selection" folder)
The game always runs with no textures when executing the index.html file, please just load "default/defalut_0023/classicube.zip" texture files
Sadly, this can't play sounds/music when playing
Well, just extract the "default/default_0023/classicube.zip" file and replace the "char.png" file with your skin and compress all after
Sadly, this can't execute older versions before "2022/12/23" :<
Well, i have no idea
Yes there is, but it is necessary to modify line number 128 of index_multiplayertest.html or line number 77 of index_original_multiplayertest.html so that you can connect to the server you want.