The map shows the streets of Milan, colored according to their name prefix. The result resembles a dense light blue web dotted by Piazze, and framed by Viali. By collecting the data from OpenStreetMap it is also possible to estimate the total lenght of the street network, which is 2580 Km. One can count 3091 different “Vie”, accounting for 74% of the network total length, followed by 7 “Vicoli” and 139 “Viali” (9,63%), 190 “Piazze”, 66 “Piazzali”, 4 “Piazzette” and 3 “Rotatorie” (4,7%), 3 “Autostrade” and 3 “Tangenziali” (1,8%), 23 “Corsi” (1,4%), and finally 3 “Navigli” (“Alzaia Pavese”, “Alzaia Grande” and “Ripa Ticinese”: 0,4%).
Data collected from OpenStreetMap Data visualization inspired by erdavis