Simple macOS StatusBar app to monitor battery charge status and remind you to unplug your Mac when the battery is sufficiently charged
Very simple app -- can toggle between alert or notification.
- Alert: Shows a dialog box when the battery is sufficiently charged
- Notification: Shows a notification when the battery is sufficiently charged
- Pause: Pauses the app until you toggle it back on
- Snooze: Snooze alerts for 15 minutes
- About: Shows the About dialog
Sample alert:
- clone the repo
- cd into the repo directory
- create a virtual environment and activate it
- python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- python3 py2app
- Copy dist/ to /Applications
Actually, I was able to build this with python 3.11 so the problem with rumps may have been fixed in the latest release.
If building with pyenv installed python, you'll need to build the python with framework support:
env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install -v 3.9.11
Inspired by this tweet by @mathsppblog.
MIT License
iBatteryStats - a similar idea with many more features