- Our study aims at analyzing the sensitive pockets around the country in terms of gun violence.
- Our analysis helps to understand the magnitude of impact caused by gun violence on the lives of people.
- Offer users the flexibility to select state of their choice. Based on the selection, display the attributes that we have considered for the project.
- Offer map visualization as a tool to compare, based on attributes chosen.
Data Source: https://www.kaggle.com/jameslko/gun-violence-data
New Library: https://github.com/IvanSanchez/Leaflet.Marker.Stack
Technology Stack:
- Presentation Layer: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Middleware: Flask
- DataBase: SQLite
- Programming Languages: Python, Javascript
- Visualization: Leaflet & D3
DuyN || ReshmaH || SnehaK
Please run below to view the output:
Open Terminal 1:
cd to ./GV_Project_Final
source activate
python -m http.server
open: localhost:8000
This opens Main Page.
Open Terminal 2:
cd to ./GV_Project_Final
source activate
python app.py
open localhost:5000
This opens Leaflet Stack Map.