Xiaoyao Liang
An optimized MobileNet-V2 Model implemented by Cuda C
Set up MobileNet-V2 Model Structure and Test Binary Parameters in Each Layer, Write all Convolution(Conv2d, Depth-wise Conv and Point-wise Conv) Layers and Matrix Gemm Methods.
-- mobilenet_v2.onnx onnx model files
-- bias_data.bin model bias (binary)
-- bias_data.txt model bias (text)
-- weight_data.bin model weights (binary)
-- weight_data.txt model weights (text)
\tmpfiles Store Layer Outputs, Just for Test
-- CheckData.py check layer output
-- CodeGenerateFunctions.py generate codes
-- Img2Col.py image to column methods
-- InferModel.py infer standard layer data for check
-- ReadONNX.py read onnx model and store weights and bias
-- mobilenet_main.cc program entrance
-- layers.cuh model layers headfile
-- layers.cu model layers implements
-- init_model.cuh model init headfile
-- init_model.cu model init implements
-- mobilenetInput.txt Input Image Data
-- mobilenetOutput.txt Standard Outputs
Please put mobilenetInput.txt, mobilenetOutput.txt in /Code/ folder and put weight_data.bin and bias_data.bin in /Code/parameters/ folder.
mobilenetInput.txt contains a batch of images data, each line represents an images (c * h * w).
mobilenetOutput.txt contains inference result from model/mobilenet_v2.onnx model, which can be seen as ground truth. The dimension of each line is 1000.
weight_data.bin is W of WX + b for each layer; bias_data.bin is b of WX + b for each layer. These two binary files can be gotten from preprocess/ReadONNX.py, from where you can get two text files and then convert them to binary files.
Then execute in terminal:
$ make
$ ./mobilenet_main