neural-network-perceptron Resume This an MLP multilayer neural network. Compile Download the source code launche make Train your net ./Net --file "[(eight.jpg), (one.jpg), (seven.jpg)]" --t "[900,100, 4]" --size "[30,30]" ./Net --file "[(eight.jpg, eight_2.jpg, eight_3.jpg), (one.jpg, one_2.jpg, one_3.jpg), (seven.jpg)]" --t "[900,100, 4]" --size "[30,30]" --file () = list of file of the same pattern. --t [L,L,L] = size of each layer. For an output of 3 variables, you have to enter 4 because you have the bias neurone. So L = (number_wanted + 1). --size "[height, width]" size wanted. --path the location of the files input files. If they are in the current workspace path arg is."". dependencies Boost Opencv