This project implements a simple yet powerful role permission feature in Laravel. Before diving into this project, let me clarify something, there is no front-end associated to create user, roles or permissions. You must create users, roles and permissions manually from the database or from the php artisan tinker
command. After that, check the router/web.php
file how I have authenticated the user and tested the permissions. This project's main purpose is to teach you how you can implement such feature according to your needs. So, see the files and read the code to understand how things work so that you can use this in your project efficiently.
and Update the.env
file with your database informations and migrate -
Create an user. Required fields are:
php artisan tinker
namespace App\Models; $user = new User(); $user->full_name = 'John doe'; $user->email = ''; $user->password = 12345; $user->save();
Create a role. Required fields:
php artisan tinker
namespace App\Models; $role = new Role(); $role->name = 'manager'; $role->label = 'Manager of the site'; $role->save();
Create a permission. Required fields:
php artisan tinker
namespace App\Models; $permission = new Permission(); $permission->name = 'view_posts'; $permission->label = 'Can view posts'; $permission->save();
To assign the created role to the user use the User method assignRole()
. Here's the process:
Either pass the name of the role like:
$user = User::first(); $user->assignRole('manager');
Or pass in the role model directly. E.g
$role = Role::first(); $user->assignRole($role);
To detach the created role from the user use the User method detachRole()
. Here's the process:
Either pass the name of the role like:
$user = User::first(); $user->detachRole('manager');
Or pass in the role model directly. E.g
$role = Role::first(); $user->detachRole($role);
To add permissions to a role the Role method givePermissionTo()
. Here's the process:
Either pass the name of the permission like:
$role = Role::first(); $role->givePermissionTo('view_posts')
Or pass in the permission model directly. E.g
$permission = Permission::first(); $role->givePermissionTo($permission);
To revoke/detach/remove a permission from a role the Role method revokePermission()
. Here's the process:
Either pass the name of the permission like:
$role = Role::first(); $role->revokePermission('view_posts')
Or pass in the permission model directly. E.g
$permission = Permission::first(); $role->revokePermission($permission);
To test if the permission and role is working, you can simply use the can()
method either on the route or in the blade file. For example:-
NOTE: By default checks for the authenticated user
On the route itself.
Maybe through middleware
Maybe in controller constructor
$this->middleware('can:view_posts')->only(['index', 'show']);
Maybe in controller methods
$user->can('view_posts'); // Through authorize method $this->authorize('view_posts');
- Maybe using the help of Gate
Gate::allows('view_posts'); // Check if allowed Gate::denies('view_posts');// Check if not allowed // Check by specific user Gate::allows('view_posts', $user); // Check if allowed Gate::denies('view_posts', $user);// Check if not allowed // Or maybe this way Gate::forUser($user)->allows('view_posts'); // Check if allowed Gate::forUser($user)->denies('view_posts');// Check if not allowed
- Maybe using the help of Gate
In laravel blade.
@can('view_posts') Yes I can view the post @endcan
Check the AuthServiceProvider
for debugging the Gates and update anything if you need.