Utilized https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen as a new technology.
Deployed Site Link - > https://hydro-homies.herokuapp.com/index.html
Hydrohomies is an application where users can rate and review beverages of their choice. With a very simple login process and clean, simple UI, it's super simple for a user to create a new review, read the reviews of other users, filter reviews by brand, carbonation, and/or rating, and add new brands and flavors to the application.
To install, type npm install
into the terminal. This will install all the required node packages to run the server.
Check out other projects of all contributors on their github accounts:
James Knox (https://github.com/Pregicide)
Shannon Quinn (https://github.com/shannonquinn91)
Michael Rudolph (https://github.com/ReindeerCode)
Aren Salmela (https://github.com/arensalmela)
Junko Yamazaki (https://github.com/junkoyama)
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at our email addresses below:
James Knox - jknox031@me.com
Shannon Quinn - shannon.quinn91@gmail.com
Michael Rudolph - ReindeerCode@gmail.com
Aren Salmela - adsalmela@gmail.com
Junko Yamazaki - junkoo.yamazaki@gmail.com
James Knox (https://github.com/Pregicide) - WORKED ON FRONT END Shannon Quinn (https://github.com/shannonquinn91) - WORKED ON FRONT END Michael Rudolph (https://github.com/ReindeerCode) - WORKED ON BACK END Aren Salmela (https://github.com/arensalmela) - WORKED ON BACK END Junko Yamazaki (https://github.com/junkoyama) - WORKED ON FRONT END
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