Android Geeks at DSC WoW Code Off Duty Hackathon
Technology Stack and API's
Our app focuses on providing following functionalities:
Instant message to close friends: Whenever the user’s battery falls below a certain limit(x%) our app automatically sends an SMS alert message to the trusted contacts saying that your phone battery is x% and is about to die, along with maps link of your current location.
It is also possible to manually send an alert on just a single tap of the button, a pre-saved personalized text message along with the users current location will be sent directly as an SMS to the users trusted contacts.
Emergency buttons: In the need of emergency, the user can now easily call the police, ambulance or fire brigade, by clicking on respective emergency buttons without any hassle of dialing the numbers.
Link to demo video:
Link to presentation video:
Link to live stream presentation of project on YouTube:
Team name: Android Geeks
The project has been ranked in top 20 at Google DSC WoW Code Off Duty Hackathon among 500+ participating teams😎
Submission link:
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