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Svelte Tably

Via the amazing capabilities braught to us by Svelte 5 — a performant, dynamic, flexible, feature rich table. It's as simple, or as flexible as you need it to be.

Simple example on Svelte 5 Playground
Fledged out example on Svelte 5 Playground

  • Columns
    • Sticky
    • Show/hide
    • Re-order
    • Resize
  • Data manipulation
    • "Virtual" data
    • Sorting
    • Select
    • Filtering
    • Reorderable
  • Statusbar
  • Panels
  • Row context
  • Expandable rows
  • Virtual rendering
  • To CSV
  • Auto: Create columns based on data

On top of that, the library API is extensive, so the table can meet your needs.

Usage Notes

bun add -D svelte-tably


If you do SSR, set Node version to 20 or higher

<script lang='ts'>
    import Table from 'svelte-tably'

    const data = $state([
        { name: 'Giraffe', age: 26, email: '' },
        { name: 'Shiboo', age: 21, email: '' }

    let activePanel = $state('columns') as string | undefined
    let selected = $state([]) as typeof data

<!-- Auto: Generate Columns based on data properties -->
<Table auto {data} resizeable={false} filters={[...]} />

<Table {data} panel={activePanel} select bind:selected>
    {#snippet content({ Column, Panel, Expandable, Row, state, table })}
        <Column id='name' sticky sort value={r =>} filter={v => v.includes('Giraffe')}>
            {#snippet header(ctx)}
            {#snippet row(row, ctx)}
            {#snippet statusbar(ctx)}
        <!-- Simplified -->
        <Column id='age' header='Age' value={r => r.age} sort={(a,b) => a - b} />

        <Expandable click={false}>
            {#snippet content(item, ctx)}

        <Row onclick={...} oncontextmenu={...}>
            {#snippet contextHeader()}
                <button ...> <Icon icon='add' /> </button>
            {#snippet context(item, ctx)}
                <button ...> <Icon icon='menu' /> </button>

        <Panel id='columns'>
            <!-- Anything you might like -->
        <Panel ... backdrop={false}>


For quick styling

CSS Variable Description Default
--tably-bg Background color hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
--tably-color Text color hsl(0, 0%, 0%)
--tably-border Border for sticky columns and header hsl(0, 0%, 90%)
--tably-border-grid Border for the table-grid hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
--tably-statusbar background-color for the statusbar hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
--tably-padding-y Padding above/below each column .5rem
--tably-padding-x Padding left of each column 1rem
--tably-radius Table radius .25rem


For the CSS variables, apply them to :global(:root) { ... }


Advanced styling can be done via :global(.svelte-tably)
table > thead > tr > th, table > tbody > tr > td, table > tfoot > tr > td


All components except Table are meant to be children of the Table component.

However, you can safely create a Component.svelte and use these components, and then provide <Component/> as a child to <Table>.

import Table from 'svelte-tably'


The table component.

<Table auto {data} />

<Table {data} ...>
    {#snippet content?({ Column, Row, Expandable, Panel, table })}

Where table is TableState<T> and the rest are typed; Component<T>.

Attribute Description Type
content? The contents of the table Snippet<[ctx: ContentCtx<T>]>?
id? The #id for the table string
data An array of objects for the table T[]
bind:selected? The currently selected items T[]
bind:panel? The currently open panel string
filters? An array of filters applied to the table ((item: T) => boolean)[]
reorderable? Whether the rows can be re-ordered (via runic-reorder) boolean
resizeable? Whether or not the columns can be resized boolean
select? Whether ot not the rows items can be selected boolean | SelectOptions<T>
auto? Create missing columns automatically? boolean


Properties Description Type
show? When to show the row-select when not selected 'hover' | 'always' | 'never'
headerSnippet? Custom snippet for the header select-input Snippet<[context: HeaderSelectCtx]>
rowSnippet? Custom snippet for the row select-input Snippet<[context: RowSelectCtx<T>]>


import { Column } from 'svelte-tably'

This component designates a column where options like sorting, filtering etc. are provided.

<Column id='...' header='...' value={row => row.value} />

<Column id='...' ...>
    {#snippet header?(ctx: HeaderCtx<T>)}
    {#snippet row?(item: T, ctx: RowColumnCtx<T>)}
    {#snippet statusbar?(ctx: StatusbarCtx<T>)}
Attribute Description Type
header? The header element/contents string | Snippet<[ctx: HeaderCtx<T>]>
row? The row element. If not provided, value: V will be used. Snippet<[item: T, ctx: RowColumnCtx<T, V>]>
statusbar? The statusbar element Snippet<[ctx: StatusbarCtx<T>]>
sticky? Should be sticky by default boolean
show? Should be visible by default boolean
sortby? Should sort by this by default boolean
width? Default width number
value? The value this column contains (item: T) => V
sort? A boolean (localeCompare) or sorting function boolean | ((a: V, b: V) => number)
resizeable? Whether this column is resizeable boolean
filter? A filter for this columns value (item: V) => boolean
style? Styling the td (row-column) element string
pad? Apply padding to the child-element of td/th instead of the column element itself 'row' | 'header' | 'both'
onclick? When the column is clicked (event: MouseEvent, ctx: RowColumnCtx<T, V>) => void


import { Row } from 'svelte-tably'

This component can add a context-menu on the side of each row, as well as provide event handlers to the row element.

<Row ... />

<Row ...>
    {#snippet context?(item: T, ctx: RowCtx<T>)}
    {#snippet contextHeader?()}
Attribute Description Type
context? A sticky column on the right for each row Snippet<[item: T, ctx: RowCtx<T>]>
contextHeader? A sticky column on the right for the header Snippet<[item: T, ctx: RowCtx<T>]>
contextOptions? Options for the Context-column ContextOptions<T>
onclick? When row is clicked (event: MouseEvent, ctx: RowCtx<T>) => void
oncontextmenu? When row is right-clicked (event: MouseEvent, ctx: RowCtx<T>) => void


Properties Description Type
hover? Only show when hovering? boolean
width? The width for the context-column string


import { Expandable } from 'svelte-tably'

This component gives your rows the ability to be expanded.

<Expandable ...>
    {#snippet content(item: T, ctx: RowCtx<T>)}
Attribute Description Type
content The contents of the expanded row. Snippet<[item: T, ctx: RowCtx<T>]>
slide? Options for sliding the expanding part { duration?: number, easing?: EasingFunction }
click? Whether you can click on a row to expand/collapse it boolean
chevron? Whether to show the chevron on the left fixed column 'always' | 'hover' | 'never'
multiple? Can multiple rows be open at the same time? boolean


import { Panel } from 'svelte-tably'

This component creates a panel that can be opened on the side of the table.

<Panel id='...' ...>
    {#snippet children(ctx: PanelCtx<T>)}
Attribute Description Type
children The contents of the panel Snippet<[ctx: PanelCtx<T>]>
id The id for the panel that determines whether it's open or closed, from the Table attribute string
backdrop? Whether there should be a backdrop or not boolean