Story vault is funny little stories designed for children and anyone who wants to practice reading english in a fun environment. Stories can be created by adding words from word list provided.
- Children
- English speakers
- Readers who like funny stories
- Adults
- To read
- to be creative
- Navigate through terminal
- Designed to be fun
- Easy to play
- Easy to navigate
- Easy to navigate
- Fun and help creativity
- Educational
- Welcome banner
- Story Banner when you pick story
- Pick story words
- Read Story you created
- Goodbye
- I used Gidpod to write code for this game
- I hosted my repository and readme file on GitHub
- Heroku to host my app and deployment
- pep8online to validate my code and check for errors.
- In the Heroku dashboard I selected "New" in the top right hand corner and "clicked" on "Create new app".
- I created the App name and choose my region as Europe. Then I selected "Create app"
- I then selected Settings Tabs and scrolled down to "Buildpacks" Here i added "Python clicked saved changes and then selected "Node.js" and saved changes again.
- On top of the page i Clicked on the "Deploy" section, and selected Github as my deployment method
- I then selected "Connect to GitHub, and searched for my repository name and clicked on "Connect" to link my Heroku app to my GitHub repository code.
- SCrolling down I selected "Enable Automatic Deploys" and after this I selected "Deploy Branch" to deploy my project. i waited for it to build.
- When it had successfully deployed a "view" button appeared and took me to my deployed app
The stories are:
Storyvault for vistor should be:
Is 1 page long terminal page. Python is used to create stories and data.
To my mentor Guido Cecilio for his help support and patience.
This project was designed in Github using git commands. You can clone this repository here.
To deploy, this page to Heroku from GitHub repository. The foloowing steps were taken:
Ran on python3
Copy on to master. Deployed using