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Custom Scoreboard

RedstoneFuture edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 14 revisions


You can change the default scoreboard by editing the scoreboard part in the config.yml.


  title: '&eInfo ●&6•'
  member_list_style: '%team_color%%playername%'
  member_list_max: 4
  - '&7Time left:'
  - '&e» %time%m'
  - ''
  - '%team1% &7» %team1_color%%team1_amount%'
  - ''
  - '%team2% &7» %team2_color%%team2_amount%'


The following MissileWars placeholders can be used in the sidebar.entries part of the scoreboard setting:

Desc Placeholder
team name %team1%, %team2%
team color %team1_color%, %team2_color%
team member amount %team1_amount%, %team2_amount%
display name of the current lobby %lobby_name%
display name of the current arena %arena_name%
remaining time %time%
team member list (see below) %team1_members%, %team2_members%

Team Member List

The %team1_members% and %team2_members% placeholder shown the current team member list. All list items are displayed in the style that is defined in the sidebar.member_list_style part of the config. Here, you can use the following placeholder based on the corresponding player:

Desc Placeholder
name of the current player %playername%
team color of players team %team_color%