TikTokPlugin is a plugin inspired by TikTokLive and powered by the TikTokLiveJava library. The plugin enables seamless integration of TikTok livestream interactions into Unreal Engine with the click of a button. This is achieved by encapsulating a lightweight Java runtime and a Node.js WebSocket server within the C++ plugin, allowing smooth communication between the Java application and Unreal Engine's C++ classes.
With TikTokPlugin, you can connect to any TikTok livestream and use viewer interactions—such as comments, likes, and gifts—to trigger real-time in-game events. This plugin is designed to elevate live-streamed gaming experiences by leveraging TikTok's vibrant interactivity.
Watch the full tutorial on how to set up and use TikTokPlugin in your Unreal Engine project:
Click the image above or watch the tutorial here.
Event-driven architecture: Listens for events like comments, likes, and gifts.
Custom game logic: Use data to trigger animations, spawn objects, and modify game states. The possibilities are endless!
Self-contained setup: Plugin includes a lightweight Java runtime and NodeJS websocket server bundled with the plugin, handling network connection with zero setup.
- Clone or download the TikTokPlugin repository.
- Copy the plugin folder for [YOUR ENGINE VERSION] into your Unreal Engine project's
- Enable the plugin in the Unreal Engine editor. (Should be automatic)
- Start project.
- Create blueprint -GameInstance. Name this whatever you want.
- Inside GameInstance, right-click and get the EventShutdown node, connect this to the TikTokPlugin [Close TikTok Connection] node. This closes the java process every time you stop gameplay, preventing duplicate instances.
- Create test blueprint actor. PLACE ACTOR INTO WORLD
- After BeginPlay, create the blueprint node [Connect to TikTok Live]. Pass in a string parameter for whatever user you want to connect to.
- On successful connection, create a blueprint node [Get TikTok Event Handler]. This will be the event handler that you bind functions to.
- Drag off of the event handler and type in 'Bind event on'. You will see the 6 events that are currently available.
- OnGift --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Gift Type, Gift Value.
- OnComment --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, User Comment.
- OnLike --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Like Count.
- OnShare --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, User Share Count.
- OnFollow --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Bool Already Following.
- OnRoomInfo --> Returns Room Title, Viewer Count.