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Seamlessly connect Unreal Engine to any TikTok Live


TikTokPlugin is a plugin inspired by TikTokLive and powered by the TikTokLiveJava library. The plugin enables seamless integration of TikTok livestream interactions into Unreal Engine with the click of a button. This is achieved by encapsulating a lightweight Java runtime and a Node.js WebSocket server within the C++ plugin, allowing smooth communication between the Java application and Unreal Engine's C++ classes.

With TikTokPlugin, you can connect to any TikTok livestream and use viewer interactions—such as comments, likes, and gifts—to trigger real-time in-game events. This plugin is designed to elevate live-streamed gaming experiences by leveraging TikTok's vibrant interactivity.


Watch the full tutorial on how to set up and use TikTokPlugin in your Unreal Engine project:

TikTokPlugin Tutorial

Click the image above or watch the tutorial here.


  • Event-driven architecture: Listens for events like comments, likes, and gifts.

  • Custom game logic: Use data to trigger animations, spawn objects, and modify game states. The possibilities are endless!

  • Self-contained setup: Plugin includes a lightweight Java runtime and NodeJS websocket server bundled with the plugin, handling network connection with zero setup.

Getting Started


Unreal Engine Integration

  1. Clone or download the TikTokPlugin repository.
  2. Copy the plugin folder for [YOUR ENGINE VERSION] into your Unreal Engine project's Plugins directory.
  • Project Directory
  1. Enable the plugin in the Unreal Engine editor. (Should be automatic)
  • Plugin
  1. Start project.

Inside Unreal

  1. Create blueprint -GameInstance. Name this whatever you want.
  • BP_Gameinstance
  1. Inside GameInstance, right-click and get the EventShutdown node, connect this to the TikTokPlugin [Close TikTok Connection] node. This closes the java process every time you stop gameplay, preventing duplicate instances.
  • ShutDown
  1. Create test blueprint actor. PLACE ACTOR INTO WORLD
  2. After BeginPlay, create the blueprint node [Connect to TikTok Live]. Pass in a string parameter for whatever user you want to connect to.
  • TikTokConnect
  1. On successful connection, create a blueprint node [Get TikTok Event Handler]. This will be the event handler that you bind functions to.
  • EventHandler

Binding Events.

  1. Drag off of the event handler and type in 'Bind event on'. You will see the 6 events that are currently available.
  • OnGift --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Gift Type, Gift Value.
  • onGift
  • OnComment --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, User Comment.
  • onComment
  • OnLike --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Like Count.
  • onLike
  • OnShare --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, User Share Count.
  • onShare
  • OnFollow --> Returns Username, UserID, User Profile Pic URL, Bool Already Following.
  • onFollow
  • OnRoomInfo --> Returns Room Title, Viewer Count.
  • onRoomInfo

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